Welcome to 3rd Grade

with Mrs. Wilson

I think we can all agree that the 2020-2021 school year will be a unique one! Because we are starting the school year off virtually, this website will serve as your virtual Back to School parent information packet. I will update it as needed over time, so you will always have basic information about our class.

On this website, you will find everything you need to continue distance learning from home during our time away from school. Anything you see that is underlined is a clickable hyperlink to take you to that resource. I have linked any supplemental websites and ideas in the tabs above, and will also continue to add assignments to our Google Classroom and HMH virtual classroom platform.

Distance Learning General Info

Virtual learning this school year will be much more comprehensive and demanding than it was in the Spring. We are required by the state to maintain the regular amount of classroom hours this year, so your child will essentially have the same amount of work at home as they would at school.

To meet these requirements we will have multiple Google Meet lessons each day, utilizing our new online curriculum called HMH Anywhere & Waggle. The platform your student will use to access these resources is Ed: Your Friend in Learning.

Each day your student will need to access our Google Classroom and their Ed dashboard; I would suggest keeping these two tabs open at all times while your child is working on school work so they have everything they need to be successful.

Click here for a brief introduction to HMH Anywhere & Waggle.

Contact Info

Communication will be more important than ever this year, so please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. I will be available for online office hours every day from 9:00-10:00 am. During this time I will be available to assist students, as well as parents, through email, Google chat, or a scheduled Google Meet video chat. I will also be near my computer during regular school hours every day to respond to emails or ClassDojo messages.