R.O.A.R. Virtual Academy at Perris Elementary
K-7th Grades
Welcome to the Perris Elementary School District's R.O.A.R. Virtual Academy! This school will have an Virtual only option and an optional blended model (one day a week) utilizing the Lincoln Learning online learning platform for all subjects. Grades K-7 will enjoy courses that have many online tools to help students succeed.
Now Enrolling for the 2024-2025 School Year for grades K-7!! Please call the Enrollment Center at (951) 940-4942 for more information.
The Enrollment Center will make an appointment with the Academy. At the appointment, you will get an acceptance letter to be able to enroll your child in the Academy.
If your child has an IEP and receives Special Education services, please contact your child's case carrier to set up a meeting.

R.O.A.R. Virtual Academy at Perris Elementary 500 S A Street, Perris, CA 92570 (951) 657-2124
Administrator: Mrs. Kelley Pebley kpebley@perrisesd.org
Reach your teachers:
Annie Bravo TOSA and Grades 2/3/4: abravo@perrisesd.org
Morgan Russell Grades K/1/5/6/7: mrussell@perrisesd.org
My name is Anne-Marie "Annie" Bravo and this will be my 22nd year of teaching. I have taught 3rd-8th grades at Enchanted Hills Elementary, Innovative Horizons Charter School, and Railway in the Perris Elementary School District. I am excited for this year!
Mr. Russell
Grades: K/1/2/5/6/7