Screen Arts Assessment SITE

Introduction to the Screen Arts Program

The screen arts degree is a comprehensive production degree for those interested in bringing stories to any screen. Students will be prepared for careers and service through courses that focus on pre-production, production, and post-production, with opportunities for students to study specific areas of interest. Additionally, students work in an internship within the industry, prepare a portfolio of original work, and participate in a capstone screen story project showcasing their talents and learned knowledge.

About the Screen Arts Program

Our screen arts degree program teaches students the art of multimodal storytelling, from start to finish. Storytelling is the most common and effective way of conveying information from one person or group to another, and our screen arts major helps students use a variety of diverse media technologies to reach equally diverse audiences.

Following their last 5-Year Program Review, the Media Production Program underwent curriculum changes to become the Screen Arts Program, beginning in academic year 2019-2020.Â