Biology Assessment Site

Introduction to the Biology Program

The biology degree program at Seaver College is designed to provide biology majors with opportunities for experiential learning through hands-on research, small labs, and instruction by professors in both lectures and labs. We encourage students to take advantage of our summer undergraduate research program as well as the honors program in biology.

About the Biology Program

Bachelor of Arts in Biology: Students enrolled in this degree option are provided with more flexibility in seeking a liberal arts education. Some biology majors select this degree because they are interested in either science education or a double major in another science or non-science discipline.

Bachelor of Science in Biology: Students in this degree option receive more comprehensive exposure to biological complexity. This degree option prepares biology majors for advanced careers in the biological sciences. Many of these careers involve continuing education through entry into professional schools (e.g., medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, optometry, etc.) and graduate school.

History of the Biology Program

The Biology Program is within the Natural Science Division, which is one of eight divisions in Seaver College at Pepperdine University. Biology represents one of seven primary majors offered by the Natural Science Division, and students in the Biology Program are offered two degree paths, Bachelor of Arts in Biology or Bachelor of Science in Biology. The Biology Program also offers courses required for the Secondary Teaching Credential, and students majoring in biology have the opportunity to minor in several areas within the Natural Science Division, including mathematics, chemistry, and computer science.Â