
"Defining the meaning of higher degrees can provide clarity for institutions, for students, and for a public that seeks to understand what unique educational experience will be had at that particular institution and what makes the investment in that experience worthwhile...Exploring the meaning of a degree thus involves addressing questions about what the institution expects its students -- undergraduates and graduates alike -- to know and be able to do upon graduation, and how graduates embody the distinct values and traditions of the institution through their dispositions and future plans."

- WSCUC 2013 Handbook of Accreditation, pg 29

Meaning can be defined through PLOs and Curriculum Maps

Program Learning Outcomes

A student who graduates with a major in Art should be able to:

  1. Effectively create and exhibit a cohesive body of artwork that demonstrates technical proficiency, individual artistic expression and socially relevant content.

  2. Analyze and critique the historical importance, conceptual content, and formal framework of works of art by utilizing visual, oral, and written forms of communication.

  3. Utilize art as a vehicle for community engagement, social change, and the advancement of diversity within global society.

Art Assessment Maps

Art Rubrics

Art Rubrics w/ Benchmarks