
20th July 2023


Golden Ticket Winners

Here are the winners for the £40 Cineworld vouchers for this term:

EYFS and KS1 Winners: Mia C Year 2 and Leo S Year 2

KS2 Winners: Harrison A Year 5 and Sophie W Year 4

Congratulations to our winners and enjoy your prizes. 

Special Awards

Congratulations to all the children below

Reading Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Macie

Julia Donaldson Class - Finnley

Steve Irwin Class - Paisley

Walt Disney Class - Freddie

Marcus Rashford Class - Archie

Lewis Hamilton Class - Izabella

Helen Sharman Class - Angel

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Lenny

Phonics Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Joshua

Julia Donaldson Class -Nora

Steve Irwin Class - Alfie

Spelling Awards

Walt Disney Class - Ivy

Marcus Rashford Class - Frankie

Lewis Hamilton Class - Callum

Helen Sharman Class - Lewis

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Morgan

Maths Counting Whizz & Times Tables Rockstars Awards

Oilver Jeffers Class - Isaac

Julia Donaldson Class - LaRosa

Steve Irwin Class - Ruby

Walt Disney Class - Bluebell

Marcus Rashford Class - Austin

Lewis Hamilton Class - Cooper

Helen Sharman Class - Alex

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Oscar 

PE Award 

Oliver Jeffers Class - Arthur

Julia Donaldson Class - Hollie

Steve Irwin Class - Ollie

Walt Disney Class - Ellcie

Marcus Rashford Class - Orson

Lewis Hamilton Class - Joey

Helen Sharman Class - Cody

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Harry

Artist of the Term

Oliver Jeffers Class- Grace

Julia Donaldson Class - Sydney

Steve Irwin Class - Archie

Walt Disney Class - Darcie

Marcus Rashford Class - Florence

Lewis Hamilton Class - Aurora 

Helen Sharman Class - Ryley

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Jayden

Computing Award

Oliver Jeffers Class- Zachary

Julia Donaldson Class- Jessica

Steve Irwin Class- Jason

Walt Disney Class- Izzy

Marcus Rashford Class- Nikos

Lewis Hamilton Class- Lexi

Helen Sharman Class-Teddy

Benjamin Zephaniah Class- Maks

Principals Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class- River

Julia Donaldson Class - Piper

Steve Irwin Class - Finley

Walt Disney Class - Tilly

Marcus Rashford Class - Isabelle

Lewis Hamilton Class -Samuel

Helen Sharman Class - Rose

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Beau

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Goodbye and Good Luck Year 6!

The time has come for our Year 6 Leavers, Class of 2023, to fly the nest and head off to their secondary schools in September.

It has been a joy to teach the children since January and I am incredibly proud of the amazing progress they have made since then.  They have conquered the SATS (with amazing results), worked hard to get ready for secondary school and put on a fantastic leavers production too!

I wish each and every one of you a fun summer and all the best of luck for your first days at your new schools in September.

Miss Heard

School information

Congratulations Miss Heard - Mrs Champ!

'Thank you to all the children for my wonderful surprise song in assembly. It was lovely to see them all joining in with their actions, hearing their great singing voices and I feel very lucky to have had such a treat! I look forward to seeing everyone in September and getting used to my new name.'  - Miss Heard 

PEPA Tots Graduation 

Mrs Rimmer and Miss Theobald had the pleasure of presenting certificates and gifts to the wonderful PEPA Tots Class of 2023. The children also sang some fantastic songs, including 'A Million Dreams', to which there wasn't a dry eye from any of the adults in the hall. We are looking forward to some of the children joining our Reception class in September and we wish all the very best to those that are moving to a new school. Well done for all you have achieved this year, you have been fantastic in the Nursery.