
Subscription Information

The Penwood Review is a biannual journal that is released in the Spring and Fall. When ordering a subscription, please indicate the issue with which you would like to begin your subscription. (You will receive a total of two copies.) When ordering a single copy or multiple copies of a single issue, please indicate the season (Spring or Fall) and the year. 

Subscription - $16 

Single copy - $8

International orders - please add $10 shipping and handling

You can send a check or order through PayPal. Send checks (payable to The Penwood Review) to the following: 

Penwood Review

P. O. Box 862

Los Alamitos, CA  90720

Alternatively, you can submit your payment through PayPal. Submit your payment to and include the following information under "add a note":

1. Name

2. Address

3. Email

4. Order Type (for example, "one-year subscription starting with the Spring 2021 issue" or "one copy of the Fall 2020 issue")

NOTE: Please also indicate if you are a published poet in the issue you are ordering, and you will receive one extra free copy of that issue. (Order must be placed to receive a free copy.)