awards & Honours
Best Graduate Award from Department of Electronic Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, based on his achievement in publishing and presenting outstanding academic papers while enrolled in the Doctoral Degree at KIT, 2024
Special Recognition Award from IEEE R10 Asia-Pacific Graduate Student Research Paper Contest 2024, "Novel Blockchain-aided Collaborative Cyber Attack Detection for Zero-Trust Massive IoT 6G Networks", Category: Communications, Signal Processing, and Networking
Excellent Haedong Paper Award (우수상), "Joint Blockchain and Collaborative Learning for Novel Zero-Trust Massive IoT in 6G Networks", from the Korean Society of Communications, the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS), Summer KICS Conference 2024, Jeju, Korea, [Link][Link]
Grand Prize of Haedong Excellent Paper Award (최우수상), "Blockchain-based Novel Collaborative Threat Detection in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems", from the Korean Society of Communications, the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS), Winter KICS Conference 2024, Pyeongchang, Korea [Link]
Excellent Academic Achievement Award for GKS Awardees from the NIIED, Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea, 2023, [Link] [Link] [Link]
Best Paper Award, "FedDDoS: An Efficient Federated Learning-based DDoS Attacks Classification in SDN-Enabled IIoT Networks", The 13th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC) 2022, Jeju, Korea [Link]
Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Awardee for the PhD Program at Kumoh National Institute of Technology (KIT), Korea, 2021-2024
Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Awardee for the Korean Language Program at Kangwon National University (KNU), Korea, 2020-2021
Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture Scholarship Awardee for Master Program at Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya, Indonesia, 2012-2014