
contains reference materials we will use all year

click the up/down arrow to expand the text

HR procedures-'22
Binder Requirements for Science


(This page must be maintained in the “Reference” section of your Science Binder)


1. Be on time to class and prepared with all appropriate materials (pencil, science book,

science binder, completed assignments) you will NOT be permitted to leave for missing items.  Phone will be off and stored in the phone caddy at the front of the room.


2. Behave respectfully towards yourself, your neighbor, your teacher, personal space,

personal items, classroom materials/furniture, and expressed ideas. DO NOT TOUCH ITEMS THAT ARE NOT YOURS!!!!


3. Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat for any reason once class has begun.

4. Raise your hand and be recognized before speaking.

5. Record daily objective, practice work assignment, and quote upon arrival to class


6. Complete practice work  and hand in all assignments on time. Practice work reinforces concepts

learned in class.(NOTE:  Random practice work checks will be performed.  Points will NOT BE AWARDED for assignments not present or incomplete when requested.)

*50% deduction for all late work.  10% deduction for each additional day late


7. Check online lesson plans; class objective & practice book or a classmate to determine work

         missed when you are absent AND turn in all missed work in a timely fashion. You will

               be reminded once.


8. Gum is NOT Permitted in the classroom. Please discard it upon entering the classroom



1. Provide ample time to complete assignments.

2. Treat you with respect at all times.

3. Grade all work fairly based on merit, correctness and completeness—deducting one letter

grade for each day the work is turned in late. Refer to handbook for grading scale.

4. Push you to be the best you can be.

5. To be honest and caring.

6. To teach you organizational skills that you can utilize in other classes.

7. To teach you science in an interesting, interactive, non-threatening environment.

8. To come to school and do my best by you every day of your academic  year.

Please review TMS anti-bullying policy on the back of this page.





_____________________________________                         ______________________________________

Student Signature               Date                                    Teacher Signature              Date

Olweus Anti-Bullying Program


Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.  It often involves an imbalance of power.


Mrs. Dutt’s Classroom Culture will include strict adherence to the Trafford Middle School Anti-bullying Rules



1.              We will not bully others.


2.              We will try to help students who are bullied.


3.              We will try to include students who are left out.


4.              If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.



Writing guidelines
Study Hall Rules ' 22
Learning Preference profile

How to study for a quiz or test

How to Study for A Quiz or Test-2.doc

Word Web

Word Web-directions.docx

Word Web Example

Sample word webs.pdf

Cornel Notes

cornell NOTE TAKING-part 1.docx

Note Taking Systems

Note taking System.doc