
My Schedule:

Monday: Harrison Park

Tuesday: Sunrise

Wednesday: Sunrise

Thursday: Harrison Park

Friday: Floating Day Between Harrison Park and Sunrise (wherever the need exists)

***Please note that my schedule does vary, depending on needs at the schools, as well as meetings.***

If you need me to speak with me, please call your child's school. If I'm not at your child's school that day, the school will pass a message along to me to contact you. I can also be reached Monday-Friday during school hours at my email, If you email me, please include the name of your child and the name of your child's school.

In addition to being available to meet with your child, talk to you, or link you to other resources and services that may be necessary/available, I have a "counseling library" with hard copies of books and CDs that can be lent out of you. Please contact me if you are interested in borrowing any of these materials.