National Junior Honor Society NJHS

Pennwood would like to recognize their exemplary students so after the second marking period, National Junior Honor Society will send invitations to the next class of inductees. An invitation for membership will be extended to all 7th and 8 th grade students who have earned a minimum grade point average of 3.70.

The purpose of this organization is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage citizenship. Therefore, the application requires that students list their participation in school as well as community organizations. In addition, as part of the application process, students will complete an essay, and a proposal for a student service project. Applications will be scored on a rubric by the Faculty Council, and membership is extended to all students who qualify. Students will be then notified of their acceptance and an induction ceremony takes place in the spring of the year. Once inducted, all members of NJHS are required to participate in community service activities during the school year.

Pennwood Advisors are Ms. Jackie Gallelli and Mrs. Aubrey Mellor.

If you have any questions, please email us at jgallelli@pennsburysd.org or amellor@pennsburysd.org.

Thank you,

Jackie Gallelli and Aubrey Mellor

NJHS Advisors

NJHS Hours Log

Service Hours Log.pdf