
Economic Snapshot:

Historical Snapshot:

Economic Successes:

Economic Challenges

Catholic Relief Services:

Plans to Overcome the Challenges:

To help Somalia it is important that everyone comes together and the government is fair as well as open to new ideas. We would work on fixing things like roads and buildings to make it easier for businesses to grow and for people to get around. We would also make sure that the people of Somalia learn good skills so that they can find jobs. If there are arguments/fights we'd find ways to make peace and help everyone get along by coming to a compromise. To make the economy stronger we could help businesses get bigger as well as encourage trading goods like food and fish. Also we would need to make sure that everyone has access to good doctors and a good school. To pay for these plans we could ask other countries for money/help. Somalia's own resources could also be used to help. People that would be very impactful are the government, other countries, businesses, and just the people there. With these plans Somalia can become a better place to live in.