Parent Information

Practice Procedures 

Each athlete will go meet with their age group and coaches immediately at their first event area for each practice. Age groups will be 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, and 11- 12. Each of these age groups will travel together from event to event. Each age group will travel with 2 to 3 PHS Track athlete volunteer coaches that will lead the Racers in each event. Warm-Ups will last 15 minutes and practice time at each of the 4 event areas will be 10 minutes. All athletes ages 5 and 6 need to have a parent stay at practice with them. All parents are encouraged to stay for practice and help with practices if needed.

Entry Method for Meets 

Mailing Labels – Parents will fill out a mailing label for each event their child will be participating in with the following info – Athlete Name, Age, Gender. Stick these mailing labels to the athlete’s shirt and the officials at each event will take them at the end of their run or before their jump/throw to write their result on it. Just show up, fill out the mailing labels, and get them to their events!

Parent Code of Conduct

A friendly reminder that these are young children, many of them participating in something they have never done before. The main goal is to get them outside, moving, learning something new, and mainly having fun. Please remember this throughout practices and meets. There are no major awards they win at each meet and no bigger competitions they qualify for at these youth meets. We need your help reminding the kids of this as well. It is easy to get caught up in the competition, but let’s remember the main goal is new skill acquisition, learning, and fun. Respect the kids, volunteers, and other spectators please!


Update/Contact Information  

-Join the RCR Remind group by texting the message @rcracers to the number 81010

Coach Andrew's email- 

RCR will use the remind app to send real time updates if the schedule ever changes.  Please make sure you have the app on your phone.  The other option is to check the live post updates on  Here is the link- RCR page.  You will find the posts on the right side of the page.  These are the only 2 methods of how RCR will communicate with parents and send real time updates.  If you have questions find Coach Andrew and ask him at practice.