

The curriculum at the Outdoor School includes the same subject matter areas found in the regular classroom, but more emphasis is placed on "doing" activities. The underlying theme is the relationship between soil, plants, water, weather, animals, and man. Typical activities include:

  1. Determining the quality of soil and water through pH testing.
  2. Identifying characteristics of wildlife through observing pelts and bones.
  3. Survival skills.
  4. Identifying some of our important natural resources.
  5. Create an art project using natural objects found in the forest environment.
  6. Participation in recreational activities geared to the forest environment.
  7. Carrying out individual and group responsibilities.
  8. Accumulating information and communicating that information in written and spoken forms.

Before leaving for Outdoor School, students study basic ideas and concepts in their classrooms in order to lay important foundations for on-site ODS studies led by teachers and professional consultants.

ODS Living Organization

Approximately 80 sixth grade students and their teachers attend each session of Outdoor School. They are joined by a dozen or more Pendleton High School student leaders who serve as camp counselors, a cook, resource consultants, and an on-site director.

Students are assigned to living groups of 4 to 6 sixth graders and one or two high school counselors. The counselors live with the students throughout the ODS experience and are closely supervised by the teaching staff.

Student Responsibilities

ODS places emphasis on individual and group responsibility. Students are expected to be responsible for cleanliness, making their own beds, caib and camp neatness, and dining hall manners. They will experience a variety of assignments, such as setting tables, gathering wood, leading a flag ceremony, and participating in campfire activities.


In the "home away from home" setting at ODS, students do very well, but a letter from parents gives them the assurance and confidence to enjoy the experience to the fullest. STudents are encouraged to write home and relate their ODS experiences at least once during the week. Mail should be addressed to the student and taken to SUNRIDGE where it will be picked up daily.