October 2023

litter picking

shwmae day

library visit

It has been a busy and successful start to the 2023-24 academic year. It has been a pleasure to see so many great learning activities going on and the children thriving in their new classes. We have also started our new series of family learning workshops that give parents and carers the opportunity to gain a greater insight into our teaching and learning approaches. This year, we are focusing on literacy - see below for the full list of dates and further information. 

Last week, it was a pleasure to welcome families onto the school site for parents' evenings. Many thanks for your feedback on both the face to face and phone call meetings. We are planning a wide range of parent and community events and concerts as we build towards the Christmas period. Please refer to the dates outlined at the bottom of the newsletter. 

Many thanks for your continued support and cooperation. Have a happy and healthy half term break - See you on Monday 6th November. 

Mr Raymond

Attendance & Punctuality

Excellent attendance and punctuality are vital aspects of our school expectations and a core priority in this year's School Improvement Plan. 

Our attendance target this year is 95%.  Our current figure is 94.3%. A pleasing start to the year and with a concerted effort after half term, we can get past that 95% mark!

We want to ensure that parents and carers are aware of the support available to families if attendance or punctuality are challenges. Please get in touch with myself or Mrs Becky Patrick if you would like to discuss in more detail: 




Many thanks for your continued support in following our drop off area rules to ensure the safety of all pupils. families, staff and visitors. Please see a list of important reminders regarding the use of the drop off area and safe routes to school:

Please note: 

Secondary School Admissions

The admissions process for pupils moving from primary school (Year 6) to secondary school (Year 7) in September 2024 (Children born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013) is now open. ALL year 6 parents/carers need to apply for a secondary school place using the link BCBC admissions 

reception pupil Admissions

If you are the parent/carer of a pupil entering Reception in September 2024, you must complete a school admission application. Even if your child is currently attending Nursery here, there is no automatic right to a place in Reception. You are able to apply online. If you have already signed up to My Account on the Bridgend County Borough Council website, you will need to log in and you can then complete an online application for a Reception year place. Apply here from Monday, 13 November 2023 at 10am. Please note that the deadline date for completed applications is Friday, 16 February 2024 at 4pm

school news

Criw Cymraeg

Our new Criw Cymraeg have been elected and they have been busy encouraging the school community to speak Welsh including assisting staff with Welsh assemblies. Look out for their new 'Phrases of the Week' after half term. Da iawn! 

football & Netball FixtureS

This month saw our first football and netball fixtures of the academic year against Dolau. The girls and boys football teams enjoyed their first  fixture at home, when we welcomed Dolau here at the start of the month. The netball team played their first match away last week and they returned victorious. A great start to the new season. Thank you to parents who supported with transporting the team to the away match. 


Stargazers have enjoyed visiting Steer Enterprise Academy where they have taken part in a range of activities including making pancakes and creating a large mural. 

Dydd Shwmae 

Last Friday the school took part in Shwmae Day, the event aims to show that the Welsh language belongs to us all – fluent speakers, learners or those shy about their Welsh. Pupils were encouraged to start conversations in Welsh with staff and each other, using 'Shwmae'. A delicious smell of baking filled the school as some classes were busy making Welsh cakes. 

Meet the school council

The School Council for this academic year have now been elected and have attended their first meeting, They also met with members of the Bridgend Rotary club last week, where members shared important aspects of their work and agreed a shared plan of activities for the forthcoming school year. 

lower school library and Church visit

As part of their topic, Lower School visited St David's Church. The children enjoyed talking to Rev Ian and learning about Christianity. They looked at shapes, colours and symbols in the stained glass windows and have been making some in class. Lower School classes were also the first to visit the newly renovated library. They thoroughly enjoyed listening to stories and exploring the children's section. Thank you to the library staff for supporting these sessions. 

November book fair

We are so excited to be able to welcome the Scholastic book fair in November. The book fair will be open from 3.30 - 4pm in the school hall on the following dates:

Donations of Christmas wrapping paper, Christmas themed napkins and disposable table clothes are also needed. Please send them in for the attention of Mrs Patrick or Mrs Maund. Many thanks. 

pupil news

Keep Dancing! 

Ice Hockey Success!

Super Sisters!

Keep on Running!

Congratulations to the following pupils for their recent achievements:

family engagement

family learning - oracy workshops

This year our family learning workshops have a literacy focus, with a spotlight on oracy skills. This month some of our Upper School families were invited into school to work alongside their child and learn about the different oracy strategies and terminology used in lessons. Everyone was so enthusiastic and enjoyed debating some interesting topics! All families will be given the opportunity to attend one of these workshops - more information to follow. 


We are so grateful and proud of our school community for their generous Harvest donations. The local Foodbank and our ‘Cwtch Cupboard' will benefit greatly from these donations. Thank you all. Pencoed Foodbank operates every Monday 1-3pm from the Church Hall. Mrs Patrick is able to issue foodbank vouchers or she can arrange a food parcel from the Cwtch Cupboard. Please contact her via email or Dojo for further details:  rpatrick@pencoedprimary.co.uk 

working together

Our Pupil Family Engagement Team and a student from Pencoed Comprehensive volunteered to restock the ‘Cwtch Cupboard’ with all the food donated for our Harvest Festival. They even had time to plan and prepare the Welsh inspired toddler session! Diolch! 

Christmas Jumper donations

Following the success of our Halloween costume sharing, we are now looking to do the same for Christmas jumpers. If you have any suitable items which you would like to donate , please send them in. Many thanks. 



ALN Team - for being flexible and supporting each other throughout the half term! 


Mr Raymond, Mrs Brennan, Mrs Lyons, Mrs Smith, Mrs Jo. Jenkins, Mr Snowdon and Mrs Lewis - for running Cardiff Half Marathon to raise money for Big Moose. 

black history month

October celebrates Black History Month - the theme this year is “Celebrating our Sisters!’ 

This is both a time to celebrate and a time to learn about and understand Black history and culture.

For more information click here

World mental health day

The theme of 2023's World Mental Health Day was “Our minds, our rights"

World Mental Health Day 2023 is an opportunity for people and communities to unite behind the theme ‘Mental health is a universal human right” to improve knowledge, raise awareness and drive actions that promote and protect everyone’s mental health as a universal human right. Good mental health is vital to our overall health and well-being.

It is important to reach out for support if you require it. Mental Health is something that at some point will affect everyone, See the link below for more information.


Mrs Jenkins' class celebrated World Mental Health Day but making their own affirmation station which they high five every morning as they walk into the room. 

Dates for your diary

Inset Days:

photos from this month


Contact Us

Please let us know if you have any comments regarding the contents of this newsletter or any other matter relating to Pencoed Primary School. All issues will be dealt with in the strictest confidence. If you would prefer to make a personal appointment, please do not hesitate to contact us:

For regular updates 

please check Class Dojo