Youth Leadership 

Youth Leadership here at Plymouth Elementary School is a student-led, adult guided program that focuses on empowering youth to lead and promote a positive school climate. We engage in activities around community building, adventure education and community service. 

Youth Leaders meet every Thursday during lunch to plan activities for the rest of the middle school.  All students are welcome every meeting.   

On campus activities include dances, pep rallies, student meetings, full moon game night, motivational speakers, Winter Olympics, informational boards on various topics including substance abuse, stress and anxiety and diversity. 

Community Service activities include making holiday crafts for meals on wheels, litter clean up, holiday sock drive, and quilts for kids.

Adventure activities such as hiking, paddling, and snowshoeing provide an experience to then focus on team building, service learning, mindfulness and most importantly, having fun.


The YLTA program is a collaborative partnership between Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Prevention Tools (ADAPT) Inc. and North Country Health Consortium to provide a youth-led prevention and leadership development model for students in Northern and Central New Hampshire middle and high schools.