Assignment Procedures

Assignment Procedures for Online and In Classroom.

  1. Check Google Classroom and Google calendar daily for assignments.

  2. Begin assignments as soon as possible (don’t wait until the last minute to start an assignment).

  3. Read and follow all directions and read all questions carefully.

  4. Complete assignments fully and turn in.

  5. Write in complete sentences. When constructing an answer (that’s a question other than fill in the blank or multiple choice), ALWAYS rephrase the question in your answer AND answer in complete sentences (Correct capitalization, punctuation, and expressing a complete thought)

  6. Make sure you click “turn in” in Google Classroom AFTER you have completed an assignment.

  7. When emailing your teacher, be clear and polite (give assignment name and due date and explain what kind of help you need).

  8. If a study guide is given, use it to help you study for a test or quiz.

  9. I am your Science teacher, but I like to learn too. If you have a useful idea to help you learn, please let me know about it.

Grading: Assessments 70% Practice 30%

Grades are based on: homework, lab activities, participation, projects, quizzes, and tests. Only assignments that are completed on time will be eligible for full credit. Late assignments will receive 50% credit. Late projects will receive 10% off for each day it is late. Assignments that are not done will be given a zero until it is turned in and must be no more than one day late. Longer term projects will lose 10% of the full grade each day it is late (EXAMPLE a grade of 90% will only receive 80% if it is a day late). Assessment corrections or retakes are limited in science and are by teacher discretion. We will follow the assignment policy in the Student Handbook.


Try as hard as you can to be in class every day! If you are absent, it is important that you catch up your work quickly. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missing homework or notes. Most of the assignment can be found on Google Classroom along with the materials you need. If you're home from school, and feel up to completing work or have questions, you may email me and/or complete your assignments as give in Google Classroom.