Environmental Science

03003 Environmental Science One Credit

Environmental Science courses examine the mutual relationships between organisms and their

environment. In studying the interrelationships among plants, animals, and humans, these courses usually cover the following subjects: photosynthesis, recycling and regeneration, ecosystems, ecology, biomes population and growth studies, pollution, and conservation of natural resources.

Prerequisite: Biology

Length: Year Level: 10,11,12

Current Unit:Understanding Populations

Topics: Populations, Growth Patterns, Social & Cultural Trends, Advancements in Technology

Google Classroom Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzaQe-ujHgwGflpLS2x0b2F1UV8yTFdGLXczLUl3TVVWZWJLblBzQS1NTFJJY3pySXZuMW8

Next Unit: Biodiversity

Topics: Biodiversity Risk and Future