Your Presenters

Suzie Boss is a writer and educational consultant from Portland, Oregon, who focuses on the power of teaching and learning to improve lives and transform communities. She’s the author of 10 popular books for educators, most recently Project-Based Teaching: How to Create Rigorous and Engaging Learning Experiences and Reinventing Project-Based Learning: Your Field Guide to Real-World Projects in the Digital Age, 3rd Ed. She collaborated with award-winning teacher Stephen Ritz to tell his inspiring story about classroom innovation in The Power of a Plant. A regular contributor to Edutopia, member of the PBLWorks National Faculty and frequent conference presenter, she consults with schools and nonprofit organizations worldwide that are interested in shifting to a more student-centered, innovative approach to teaching and learning. Her work has taken her to nearly every continent, reflecting the increasing global interest in real-world learning enabled by digital tools.

With 30 years in education, Myla Lee serves as a consultant for literacy, technology integration, and project-based learning. Much of the learning she shares with others at national and international conferences focus on topics that were first field-tested in her classroom and later explored through her expansive coaching experiences with educators and administrators. As a National Faculty Member for PBLWorks, Myla has contributed blog posts on topics such as inclusive literacy, coaching, and culture; designed curriculum and projects such as Students Rebuild's Hunger Challenge and Facing Difference Challenge; and facilitated professional learning in the US and abroad for nearly ten years. Currently, Myla is co-authoring the upcoming Elementary Project Based Learning book by PBLWorks. Her belief that creating a learner-centered classroom culture that provides real-world experiences should be accessible to ALL students. The power of project Based Learning, enriched with digital tools will help make that possible.