Google Classroom

On this page you will find different resources to help you navigate Google Classroom with your child.

Click Here to see how to log into your child's Google Classroom for the first time.

As we begin our journey into teaching through technology, we will have to teach our students to have polite manners while online learning. Here is a quick video to watch with your students to review google meets etiquette.

Google Classroom Directions for Parents 2.pdf

This shows you step by step how to log into your child's classroom.

Check out this great video for Parents and Guardians. This video shows you all the tips and tricks to help you and your child get started with Google Classroom!

Vea este gran video para padres y tutores. ¡Este video le muestra todos los consejos y trucos para ayudarlo a usted y a su hijo a comenzar con Google Classroom!

Copy of Parent GOLO