

S1000D is an extensible markup language (XML) initially created to standardize specifications for the production of technical publications, specifically in the defense and aerospace industries. S1000D was an evolution of ATA 100 that was initially created for the creation of government defense publications, but it was later decided to expand the use of S1000D for use by the civil aerospace industry.

S1000D is used by technical communicators in the defense and aerospace industries to create standardized modular publications.


S1000D is based on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which was the precursor to HTML.[4] It uses a hierarchy of files to categorize, encapsulate, and display the information written for a publication.

S1000D Uses XML to house information in blocks, or data layers, that can be moved within a publication or between different documents. This allows information to be easily transferred or duplicated. In aerospace manuals for example, the technical description of an aircraft system will be used in several places throughout the operator’s manual. The modularity of S1000D schemas allows technical communicators to drop in that information with minimal work.[5]

S1000D publications use Common Source Data Bases (CSDB) to house the data modules created for each layer.[6] Once a data module is saved to the CSDB, it is now accessible to all authors and editors of the document and may be repurposed as needed.

S1000D is free and open source, and it is maintained by the S1000D Steering Committee (SC).[7] The Steering Committee offers schemas on their website for anyone wanting to use S1000D.

S1000D File Hierarchy

S1000D document files are created by choosing the appropriate schema layer, then adding text information, and finishing with visual/style instructions.

S1000D data module and publication

Use in other Fields

Variations of S1000D have been created within other industries to solve the same problem of easily sharing information across Common Source Data Bases (CSDB). ShipDex is one example: it is used to share up-to-date maintenance and parts information within the commercial shipping industry. Shipping maintenance officers can now use searchable databases to find reliable maintenance instructions, which were recorded on paper or .pdf files, then hand-transferred into the proprietary databases of individual shipping companies.[8]


[1] MisterMitigation (2015). “What is S1000D?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gMZ0DRDBy8

[2] “The ASD-STE100 Specification.” Asd-Ste100.org, https://asd-ste100.org/about.html

[3] “About S1000D.” S1000D.org, https://s1000d.org/?page_id=101

[4] University of Washington (2003). “Fluency in Information Technology.” https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse100/03au/PartOne/markup.htm

[5] Tech Data World (2021). “Return on Investment - S1000D why bother?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLsBDZAXwC4

[6] Junod, L. John; Moore, Kathleen A.; Deuell, T. Phil. (2014). “S1000D Issue 4.0.1 Tagging and Authoring Guidelines for Standard NAVSEA Integrated Publishing Process.” https://www.navsea.navy.mil/Portals/103/Documents/NSWC_Carderock/NAVSEA%20S1000D%20TAAG.pdf

[7] “S1000D Organizational Structure.” S1000D.org, https://s1000d.org/?page_id=61#:~:text=S1000D%20Steering%20Committee&text=The%20role%20of%20the%20Steering,visionary%20direction%20of%20the%20Council.

[8] “About Shipdex.” Shipdex.org. https://ww2.shipdex.org/about/