Research Posters

Refining age estimates for three historic ground rupturing earthquakes in the Santa Cruz Mountains: 14C Wiggle-matching and Non-Native Pollen as age indicators (or not!)

Evaluating the relationship between lateral slip and repeated fold deformation along a transtensive step-over on the San Andreas fault at the Frazier Mountain site

The Rocky Ledge Fault, Shasta County, California Growth and Development of a Quaternary Normal Fault in Basaltic Terrain

Paleoseismic evidence of the 1890 and 1838 earthquakes on the Santa Cruz Mountains Section of the San Andreas Fault, near Corralitos, CA & using paleoseismic data to estimate earthquake magnitude.

Constraining the Holocene Extent of the Meers Fault, Oklahoma using High-Resolution Topography and Paleoseismic TrenchingÂ