
Workflow Resources

  • Slack is a free chat system with integration for many popular apps, like Google drive and Zoom.

  • Discord is a free chat, video, and audio system that has high-quality streaming options.

  • Doodle and WhenIsGood let you efficiently find common times of availability among people to plan meetings.

  • The Google Tasks app can help organize your checklist and has Google Calendar and Gmail integration.

  • Asana, Basecamp, and Trello are all projects management tools with free subscription tiers.

  • Yamdu is a project management tool designed for video and multimedia.

  • KwikSurveys lets you create polls and surveys.

  • Poll, Survey, Form & Quiz Maker for Wordpress.

  • Scannable turns your phone into a scanner to store and share documents.

  • PDF Escape lets you edit PDFs in your browser without Acrobat.

  • Google Jamboard is a visual brainstorming tool that you can use to collaborate with others.