Member News



June 2024

· Congratulations Hue and Miles for successfully defended their PhD dissertation and MS thesis, respectively.  

March 2024

· Congratulations Matt Guziejke for receiving the best poster award at the Urban Ecology and Conservation Symposium

January 2024

· Congratulations. Professor Heejun Chang is elected a cohort of 17 new AAG fellows in 2024

October 2023

· Professor Heejun Chang is listed in the WORLD's TOP 2% SCIENTISTS.

September 2023

· Welcome Matt Guziejka and Anthony Heatherly to join our lab.  

June 2023

· Alumnus Alex Ross and Heejun's work on climate change and water resources was featured in the PSU visitor guide for 23-24.

· Congratulations, Arun, for getting the diploma. See pictures here and here.

· Professor Chang received the Branford Price Millar award from PSU. 

May 2023

· Congratulations Arun for successfully defending his dissertation! Arun also accepted a job at EDP Renewables North America. 

· Congratulations Grisha for successfully defending his thesis! 

· Congratulations Junjie for successfully defending his dissertation proposal!  He is officially a doctoral candidate!

April 2023

· Michael Krotcha received NSF GRFP. He is one of the 15 recipients in Geography in the nation. Congratulations! 

October 2022

· Professor Heejun Chang is listed in the WORLD's TOP 2% SCIENTISTS.

September 2022

· Welcome Jason Sauer, Michael Krotcha, and Miles Mayer to our lab.  

July 2022

· Congratulations Will for successfully defending his thesis. 

June 2022

· Congratulations Arun for successfully presenting his dissertation proposal. He is officially a doctoral candidate!

· Congratulations Arun for receiving an outstanding student service award from the Geography Department at PSU. 

· Congratulations Professor Chang for receiving outstanding service award from the Asian Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers. 


May 2022

· Congratulations Arun for his recent interview with Accuweather on his recent paper on pluvial flooding and green infrastructure coauthored with Heejun.   

February 2022

· Congratulations Alumni Dr. Ross who won the 2022 Tison Award for young scientists bestowed by IAHS for the article Ross & Chang, HSJ (2020). 

· Congratulations Arun for his award from the water resources specialty group of the AAG on his proposal titled "Detection, classification, and mapping of stormwater infrastructure in Portland using AI and Google Street View".   

· Professor Chang was the 2022 recipient of the 2022 AAG E. Willard and Ruby S. Miller Award for his high-impact societally relevant geographic research.   

· Professor Chang was interviewed by Times Standard on February 24. 

December 2021

· Congratulations Arun who successfully completed his doctoral comprehensive exam.  

· Professor Heejun Chang gave a keynote speech at the Online International Conference on "Food, Water and Nutrition Security on Health and Wellbeing," held on December 13-14, 2021.

November 2021

· Congratulations Becky who successfully defended her thesis. She will work at Oregon DEQ starting in December.   

September 2021

· Professor Heejun Chang gave a keynote speech in the water session at the 9th World Sustainability Forum. 

· Welcome Grisha Post to our lab. Grish is interested in urban flood risk using geospatial analysis. 

July 2021

· Professor Heejun Chang was interviewed by KATU2abc on the recent drought in Oregon. 

June 2021

· Professor Heejun Chang participated in a panel discussion on building climate resiliency as part of #SMARTer Together webinar series

· Arun received summer research funding titled “Managed Retreat Efforts in Portland, Oregon, and Atlanta, Georgia” from the 2021 Graduate Grant program with the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN). 

May 2021

· Professor Heejun Chang was named to the Reuters Hot List of the world’s top climate scientists. 

January 2021

· Welcome Professor Tae-Hyung (Tammy) Gim from Seoul National University as a visiting professor in the WISE lab. He is a Fullbright scholar from Jan to Aug 2021.  

November 2020

· Professor Heejun Chang is one of 100,000 scientists in the world based on citation metrics, according to a recent article written by Standford researchers. The information is based on citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator. See the news at PSU as well. 

October 2020

· Professor Heejun Chang gave an invited seminar titled "Comparative case studies in socio-hydrology" at Seoul National University of Science and Technology.  

September 2020

· Congratulations Professor Heejun Chang appointed as a steering committee for the Commission for Water Sustainability of the International Geographical Union.   

· Welcome Chad Nasr & William Long as new members of the WISE group.

July 2020

· Congratulations Janardan Mainali accepted a position at Stetson University as a visiting teaching and research fellow.  

June 2020

· Congratulations Becky for receiving a Sigma-Xi student resesarch grant! 

· Congratulations Arun for receiving a summer research grant from UREx research network for studying the relationship between pluvial flood exposure and the spatial distribution of urban green infrastructure. 

May 2020

· Congratulations! PhD students Janardan Mainali and Alexander Ross successfully defended their dissertations. 

September - December 2019

· Professor Heejun Chang spent a sabbatical at the University of Tokyo's Center for Spatial Information Science as a visiting scholar. He has conducted extensive research on flood resilience in Japan and South Korea by interviewing flood experts, including city practitioners. During his stay, he gave invited presentations at the University of Tokyo's global hydrology seminar, Kyoritsu Women's University, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea National University of Education, and Kyunghee University. 

September 2019

· The WISE group welcome Rebecca Talbot and Arun Pallathadka as new graduate students. We also welcome Dr. Hyojeong Kim from Korea Environment Institute as a visiting scholar.

August 2019

· Professor Heejun Chang gave an invited presentation at the OCCRI/DLCD climate change effects likelihood/consequences workshop.

July 2019

·  Graduate student Ashley Baker successfully defended her MS thesis. Congratulations!

·  Professor Heejun Chang has started serving as Editor of the Professional Geographer, published by Taylor and Francis on behal of the American Association of Geographers 

June 2019

·  Professor Heejun Chang gave invited presentations at the annual meeting of the Korean Geographical Society in Daegu, South Korea.  

·  Doctoral student Janardan and Professor Heejun Chang had a paper published in Progress in Physical Geography.  

·  Graduate student Emma Brenneman got a job at ITC. Congratulations!

May 2019

·  Professor Heejun Chang received an outstanding researcher award (senior scholar) from the Columbia Willamette Chapter of Sigma-Xi.  

·  Doctoral student Daniel Larson successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations!

·  Graduate student Emma Brenneman successfully defended her MS thesis. Congratulations!

·  Graduate student Emma Brenneman received an outstanding service award from the Department. Congratulations!

April 2019

·  Professor Heejun Chang gave an invited presentation at the Water Resources & Sustainability in East Asia Symposium in Lawrence, Kansas. 

·  Graduate student Junjie Chen successfully defended his MS thesis. Congratulations!

·  Professor Heejun Chang gave an invited presentation at the Urban Water Round Table in Tempe, Arizona. 

·  Graduate student Junjie Chen got a paper award from the Water Resources Specialty Group of the AAG. Congratulations!

·  Professor Heejun Chang was interviewed by OPB, KOIN6, and KATU about the recent stuy of flooding and heat hazards in Portland.

March 2019

·  Graduate students Ben Fahy, Emma Brenneman, and Professor Heejun Chang has a paper published in International Journal of Diaster Risk Reduction.

·  Post-doctoral researcher Chang-yu Hong and professor Heejun Chang has published a paper about residents' perception of urban stream restoration in South Korea. 

January 2019

·  Graduate students Ashley Baker, Emma Brenneman, and Professor Heejun Chang has a paper accepted for publication in the Science of the Total Environment.

·  Graduate student Emma Brenneman and Professor Heejun Chang gave an invited presentation at the Johnson Creek Watershed Council.

December 2018

·  Professor Heejun Chang gave a planetary talk at the Association of Korean Geographers.

·  Professor Heejun Chang gave five invited presentations in universities and research institutes while visiting South Korea.

·  Graduate students Jujie Chen, Alexander Ross, and Janardan Mainali received student travel funding to attend American Association of Geographers in Washington DC.

·  Graduate student Janardan Mainali departed for Nepal for his field data collection. 

November 2018

·  Doctoral student Janardan Mainali successfully defended his dissertation proposal. 

·  Professor Heejun Chang gave an invited presentation at the Center for Earth Leadership.

·  Junjie Chen won the 2nd place in Earth and Environmental Sciences at the the 15th Annual Sigma Xi-Columbia Willamette Chapter Student Research Symposium. Congratulations Junjie! 

October 2018

·  Ben Fahy successfully defended his MS thesis. Congratulations Ben!

·  Emma Brenneman and Junjie Chen gave presentations at the Johnson Creek Science Symposium

September 2018

·  Professor Chang and doctoral student Janardan Mainali published a paper titled Sources of contaminated flood sediments in a rural-urban catchment: Johnson Creek, Oregon, in Journal of Flood Risk Management

·  Doctoral student Janardan Mainali obtained a Rufford Small Grant for his dissertation research in Nepal.

July 2018

·  Doctoral student Janardan Mainali and Professor Chang's recent paper was featured in CLAS news. 

·  Katelyn Michelson got a full time job at the City of Portland. Congratulations Katelyn!

June 2018

·  Katelyn Michelson received an outstanding student service award.

·  Emma Brenneman and Junjie Chen received William and Edith Rockie Scholarship Awards respectively.

·  Professor Heejun Chang was interviewed by KOIN 6 on “Rain may help break up algae in Salem’s water

May 2018

·  Doctoral students Z Grabowski and Gunner Johnson successfully defended their dissertations respectively. Congratulations!

·  Doctoral student Z’s recent paper on dam removals coauthored with Professor Heejun Chang was featured in a PSU research website.

·  Doctoral student Dan Larson successfully gave his dissertation prospectus. He is now moved to advanced doctoral candidate.

April 2018

·  Graduate student Katelyn Michelson received travel award from Gamma Theta Upsilon, The International·Geography Honor Society & Spatial Analysis and Modeling Group of the AAG to attend the AAG meeting.

·  Graduate students Junjie Chen, Ben Fahy, Katelyn Michelson, Janardan Mainali and Alex Ross gave presentations at the American Association of Geographers in New Orleans.

·  Doctoral student Janardan Mainali received a student research grant award from Hariyo Ban Program

March 2018

·  Graduate student Emma Brenneman and Ashley Baker gave poster presentations at the Urban Extreme Sustainability Resilience Network’s All hands meeting in Phoenix.

February 2018

·  Graduate student Ashley Baker, Emma Brenneman, and Junjie Chen gave poster presentations at the Urban Ecology and Conservation Symposium.

·  Professor Heejun Chang coauthored a paper defining extreme events featured a PSU research website.

December 2017

·  Katelyn got a travel award from the Spatial Analysis and Modeling Specialty Group of the AAG. 

November 2017

·  Graduate students Ben Fahy, Katelyn Michelson, and Janardan Mainali received student travel funding to attend American Association of Geographers in New Orleans.

·  Graduate student Junjie Chen gave a poster presentation at the Sigma-Xi conference at PSU.

·  Professor Heejun Chang served as a program committee member of the American Water Resource Association Fall meeting in Portland.

October 2017

·  Doctoral student Janardan Mainali gave an invited presentation at the Johnson Creek Annual Symposium.

September 2017

·  Alexsis Cooley got a job at the City of Hillsboro. Congratulations!

August 2017 

·  Professor Heejun Chang gave two invited presentations at the International Geographical Congress and Korea-China-Japan Join Conference in Geography, respectively.

·  Graduate student Whitney Vonada received funding to attend the American Water Resources Association