About Us

Mobility Matters is hosted by Portland State University's Orientation & Mobility (O&M) and Visually Impaired Learning (VIL) Programs which are housed in the College of Education. 

O&M Specialists are professionals who teach individuals with visual impairments, including those with deafblindness, how to travel safely, efficiently, and with purpose in a variety of environments. Students in the O&M program gain the professional skills and preparation to complete the international certification exam through the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP).

The O&M program is offered as an extension of PSUs long-standing Visually Impaired Learner program that has been preparing teachers of children with visual impairments (TVIs) to work with school-age children for over 50 years.

For more information about PSU's O&M Program please visit: pdx.edu/education/om

Mobility Matters Hosts

Portland State University, Orientation & Mobility Program Coordinator

Portland State University, Visually Impaired Learner Program Coordinator

Rach Junard

Portland State University, Grad Administrative Assistant, VIL + OM Programs

Portland State University, Graduate Student

Leanne Grillot

National Outreach Program for American Printing House for the Blind

Amy Campbell

Learning Management System Admin. of National Outreach - APH Hive

Leslie Weilbacher

Outreach Specialist for the Northwest Region with APH. 

Scholarship Opportunity

PSU's College of Education is currently seeking scholars to enroll in the O&M and/or VIL program and take advantage of a new federal grant opportunity. 

Project Title: LIBROS- Low-Incidence Interdisciplinary Scholars Building Reading Opportunities for Social-Emotional Resiliency  

The focus of the grant will be to deepen scholars’ understanding of research-based, inclusive, and culturally and linguistically responsive literacy instruction within the context of community and school libraries. 

Read more about the focus of the LIBROS grant, click here. 

Request a follow-up call about our programs: PSU O&M or VIL Contact Request 

Please contact Tracy Williams-Murphy by email or phone for additional information.

PSU Department of Special Education, Senior Admissions Advisor

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