
Current Courses

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Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar

Weekly meetings on Mondays at 2pm, unless stated otherwise.

Visit the seminar website for current schedule and past presentations.

Previous Courses 

Portland State University (PSU)


University of Kentucky (UK)

Numerical Methods for PDEs (625), Fall 2009, Fall 2012

Independent Work in Mathematics (611), Fall 2010, Fall 2012

Principles of Analysis (575), Fall 2010

Numerical Methods (321), Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Fall 2012

Numerical Analysis (537), Spring 2010, Spring 2012

Calculus III (213), Fall 2010

Calculus II (114), Spring 2012

Calculus I (113), Spring 2011, Fall 2011

California Institute of Technology (CIT)

Introduction to Finite Element Methods (256A), Winter 2008

International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS)

Finite Element Error Estimation for Elliptic PDEs , Spring 2007

University of California at San Diego (UCSD)

Calculus (10A), Summer 2003

Pre-Calculus (3C), Fall 2002

Whatcom Community College (WCC)

Statistics (240), Spring 1999

Introduction to Linear Algebra (204), Winter 1999

Calculus and Analytic Geometry II (201), Spring 1999

Pre-Calculus II (131), Winter 1999, Spring 1999

Pre-Calculus I (130), Fall 1998

Western Washington University (WWU)

Calculus with Applications to Business and Economics (157), Fall 1998

Algebra with Applications to Business and Economics (156), Summer 1997

Pre-Calculus II (115), Spring 1997, Winter 1998

Pre-Calculus I (114), Winter 1997, Fall 1997

Functions and Algebraic Methods (102), Fall 1996, Fall 1998, Winter 1999

Pre-Algebra (99), Spring 1998