Innovation & Intellectual Property

Innovation & Intellectual Property (IIP) uses intellectual property as a tool for broadening the impact of your research results begins with a conversation about your work. Sometimes IIP will seek out researchers with interesting projects and sometimes researchers will find IIP with a particular question. We love learning about and discussing your projects, and we want to help answer the question, “What can the tool of intellectual property do for you?” If you are new to working with our office, we encourage you to talk with us before filling out any forms to begin the more formal process.

Intellectual Property Policies and Guidelines

Currently, PSU's intellectual property policies remain the same as those that were used by all Oregon University System schools. The creation of a PSU IP policy is in the early stages, and until it is adopted by PSU remains subject to two documents that defined IP policy for OUS: Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 580-43 and OUS Internal Management Directive (IMD) 6.2. Innovation & Intellectual Property is the designated office at PSU responsible for interpreting and administering the policies and procedures in OAR 580-43 and IMD 6.2.

Within this guide to the policies and procedures, each page will begin with a simple explanation or main points of the guide in italics, followed by more detailed explanations of how the policies are administered and interpreted by the office of Innovation & Intellectual Property. We’ll refer to and quote from the OAR and IMD throughout.

We are most often asked questions concerning the ownership and disclosure requirements of inventions and copyright works made by PSU employees. As a quick start to this guide, please see our simplified charts concerning ownership and disclosure of patents and copyright works.