

Numerics for PDEs on metric graphs

I develop numerical methods to study PDEs on metric graphs. Because of the coupling conditions at the vertices, standard one-sided finite difference methods for the junction conditions reduce the accuracy below the local truncation error of the method. Some alternative methods include the addition of ghost points, the discontinuous Galerkin method, or spectral methods. 

Spectral properties of PDEs on metric graphs

The spectra of the eigenvalue problem on the metric graph provides insights into the structure of the graph itself. The eigensolutions form a complete orthogonal basis for the graph so they can be used to write the solutions to other linear PDEs. Some eigensolutions are nonzero on only a small subset of edges (i.e. they are localized). We can derive conditions for the lengths to ensure exact localization. We can also prove that some shapes can never be fully localized.

An energy measure is plotted on the edges of a metric graph to show localization (see Kravitz, Brio, Caputo 2023).

A metric graph approximation of the road network embedded in a 2D approximation of Arizona.

Coupled ODE/1D PDE/2D PDE (vertex/edge/domain) model for geographic epidemic spread

I have developed a new mathematical tool in which to study the spatial spread of epidemics. There is extensive evidence that transportation systems such as air, rail, rivers, and roads may enhance the spread of an epidemic into the surrounding geographic regions. This novel mathematical model couples ODEs at the vertices with the junction conditions on the metric graph. The solution on the edges of the metric graph, in turn, is coupled to the 2D continuum as a boundary condition.

Random network lasers

The wave equation on a metric graph is a good way to model a new type of laser called a "random network laser." These lasers are comprised of a series of interconnected optically active fiber waveguides. They work by using multiple scattering (usually a feature that lowers laser performance) as a source of optical gain. Different frequencies of light occupy different areas in the network (a phenonemon akin to localization). Following the framework of Gaio, et al. we use a Buffon's needle graph to model such a laser.

An example of a localized triangle and external fork on a Buffon's needle graph model of a random network laser.

Pipelines form a "metric graph" in nature. (Photo by Aaron Jones on Unsplash)

Want to collaborate?

I have worked with experts in fields from public health to number theory. I find great value in cross-disciplinary collaborations.

Here are some phenomena that are enhanced by network structure.  There are lots of ways we can apply PDEs on metric graphs to "real world" problems.