Legal Resources

Experiencing a Legal Issue?

Learn more about Portland State's rules regarding substance use on campus, legal services available to students, and legislation in Oregon that supports harm reduction.

PSU Drug and Alcohol Policies

Rules around alcohol and substance use on-campus differ from local and state legislation.

Student Legal Support

Oregon Drug Laws

Prevent Overdose Fatalities.

Test your drugs. Don't use alone.

In Emergency:

Please Call 911!

Signs of an Overdose

Different drugs are associated with various overdose effects. Some signs of overdose for the following types of drugs include:

  • Alcohol: confusion, vomiting, seizures, very slow and/or irregular breathing, blue-tinged or pale skin, passing out and can't be awakened

  • Hallucinogens: psychotic features, agitation, delirium

  • Inhalants: significant drowsiness, disorientation, loss of consciousness, stupor or coma, suffocation or respiratory distress, vomiting

  • Opioids: confusion, lack of awareness, vomiting, limp body, respiratory depression/arrest, cold or clammy skin, pale skin, constricted pupils

  • Cannabis: profound drowsiness, unsteady gait, vomiting, tachycardia, agitation, psychosis

  • Stimulants: hyperthermia, tachycardia, hypertension, arrhythmia, agitation, hallucinations and other psychotic features, seizures, cardiovascular emergencies