Harm Reduction

What is Harm Reduction?

Harm reduction is an inclusive, evidence-based, and non-judgmental approach to substance use. Harm Reduction encompasses policies, programs, and safer practices that focus on safer use, positive growth, and minimizing the negative effects that can occur with substance use.

People use drugs. As Peer Recovery Specialists, we are here to break the stigma of alcohol and drug use. We provide resources, tools, and services to help reduce risk and encourage safer use.

Whether you are looking for information on safer drug combinations, safer drinking, shooting, or snorting, or helping your life balance when it comes to alcohol and substance use, we are here to help.

Ideas for Reflection

It can be helpful to periodically reflect on our relationship with substances. Writing things out can help us clarify our lives.

Some questions for reflection:

  1. What do I like about using and what do I dislike about using?

  2. How do I feel when I'm not able to use my substance(s) of choice?

  3. What are the physical, social, and emotional side effects of my drinking or drug use? What area of my life would benefit from balance and extra attention?

  4. Have I been taking more risks lately? Could I be safer when I drink or use the drugs I like to use?

For information and articles about addiction, recovery, and harm reduction, click the link below:

We Grow Together

Our Peer Recovery Support Specialist is here to listen and connect you to resources.
We can also chat one on one to help you
identify and achieve any goals around harm reduction.

All support is confidential, non-judgmental, and non-punitive.

Feel free to ask questions or schedule a supportive chat to help you identify and make changes that are right for your health, happiness, and academic goals.