GIS Practicum


Students in the program must complete a project-based practicum. The practicum requires the presentation of the student’s practicum project in a topic approved by the student's graduate committee. The project may be done in collaboration with a community partner, or it may be a self-defined project. Some examples of community partners are:

The practicum represents a beneficial contribution to the practice of GIScience and normally involves working with a community partner. However, entry-level GIS tasks in the practicum would not be desirable nor advisable. A final oral presentation of the project and a comprehensive project report are required for the completion of the practicum.

GEOG 509 Practicum Credits

Students sign up practicum credits (GEOG 509) with a PSU faculty member who is interested in the practicum's subject area by submitting a by-arrangement request ( It is recommended that they register for 2 credits of GEOG 509 a term before the completion of their practicum project to develop a partnership with their community partner and a feasible practicum proposal. The practicum proposal should be submitted to the MS in GIS Committee before the end of the fifth week of the term. Once the proposal is approved by the MS in GIS Committee, students can register for the remaining 4 credits of GEOG 509 in the subsequent term to complete the practicum, which includes completing the practicum tasks, giving an oral public presentation, and submitting a final report.

GIS Practicum Proposal

The practicum proposal must include:

GIS Practicum Report

The practicum report should clearly echo the student's proposal and have the following components:

Students will work closely with their GEOG 509 instructor on writing the practicum report which must be approved by the instructor and one additional readers from the MS in GIS Committee. Students' GIS practicum reports will be published on PDXScholar for public access.

Consult the MS in GIS committee members if there is any question about the GEOG 509 credits.

GIS Practicum Report Formatting Requirements

All MS in GIS practicum reports are published on PDXScholar ( under the Masters in GIS Practicum Reports category. A submitted final practicum report should follow the PSU electronic thesis and dissertation (ETD) formatting requirements ( with the exception that the department accepts reports with single-spaced texts. Consult the MS in GIS committee members if there is any question about the report formatting requirements. You can find a sample copy of the GIS Practicum Report's title page below.

GIS Practicum Report_Title_Page_template.docx