General Listening Sites

  • Passages with different levels and speeds

ESL English Language Learning - Adult Literacy - Listening & Reading - Audiobooks - Stories (esl-

  • Different accents (Speech Accent Archive)

Speech Accent Archive (

  • General listening skills (Skillwise)

Speaking and listening - BBC Teach

  • 6 minute English (BBC Learning English)

Learning English - 6 Minute English (

  • International Archive of Dialects

Accent Regions of the World | IDEA: International Dialects of English Archive (

  • Airport announcements (ESL-lab)

Airport Announcement | Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab (

  • A list of songs to use along with lesson plan and activity ideas

Songs and Activities for English Language Learners | (ELL, ESL, and EFL)

  • Free listening tests, listening activities for students, and free audio files; good for young learners.

  • Thousands of topics to choose from, interviews, authentic listening. This website has many different activities for all levels.

  • An "Oldie but goodie." Leveled listening with quizzes and a large variety of topics.

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

  • This website has great podcasts to help you practice your listening

All Ears English Podcast • General Fluency | All Ears English

  • (Music videos (from 1000s of songs available on youtube) that have been subtitled (karaoke-style). You have to either fill in the blank or choose words that have been taken out of the lyrics -- you have to listen carefully, recognize words, and choose/spell them to continue the videos.You don't need an account -- click "maybe later")

Learn English for Free with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke!

  • Think Out Loud: Interviews on Portland Public Radio

OPB Think Out Loud - OPB

  • Stories from people of all backgrounds and beliefs

StoryCorps – Stories from people of all backgrounds and beliefs

  • Nigel “Teacher” Caplan’s website with links to many different listening websites

Listening and Lecture Practice – Nigel Caplan

  • Authentic listening passages

English Listening

  • Americans saying poems they love

Favorite Poem Project

  • English podcasts = Easy Online RSS Reader for ESL/EFL Podcasts

  • Listening practice for beginning to intermediate ESL students

Level 1 – ESL Listening Practice (

  • Speaking/listening textbook designed for advanced beginner-low intermediate English language learners

Communication Beginnings (