Honors & Awards

Honors & Awards

  • 2022—2023 Faculty Development Grant in support of "Understanding the response of power grids under weather-related attacks", Portland State University. (Awarded: July, 2022-present)

  • Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2020). (Awarded, but declined)

  • NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Graduate Fellowship Program (2020)

  • IEEE/ NSF Travel Award for the 2019 IEEE Data Science Workshop, Minneapolis, MN. (2019)

  • Travel Award for 9th International workshop, Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data (SAND9), University of Pittsburgh, PA. (2019)

  • Ph.D. Research Small Grant, The University of Texas at Dallas, TX. (2018, 2019)

  • NSF Travel Award for 13th Women in Machine Learning (WiML) Workshop, NeurIPS 2018, Montreal, Canada (2018).

  • Honorary registration recipient for the 2018 Grace Hopper Conference (GHC), Houston, TX. (2018)

  • Travel Award for 2018 Industrial Math/Stat Modeling (IMSM) Workshop for Graduate Students, North Carolina State University, NC. (2018)

  • Natural Sciences and Mathematics Scholarship, University of Texas at Dallas (Aug 2015 - Aug 2020)

  • Best Female Student (1st Class Honors) - College of Science, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. (2013)