Finding an Internship Site

RSA Scholars please see the RSA Scholar internship page for further info. 

The PSU Counselor Education Department has partnerships and agreements with several respected counseling agencies in the Portland area. Students will be given all the information necessary to apply for internships with many different sites. Please see the internship site list page for info about current sites. Occasionally students will have a preexisting relationship with an agency in the area, or simply have an interest in interning at an agency not on this list. If that's the case, please check with Kim Douglas, Practicum & Internship Coordinator, prior to inquiring about additional internship opportunities. 

Internship announcements will be sent out to all internship eligible students via email. Students can expect to see several of these emails in December and January. The email will contain a link to a Google Doc that lists information about all internship sites that are currently accepting interns and instructions on how to apply. 

Generally, internship sites will request that an email is sent expressing interest in an internship position, along with a resume, cover letter, and occasionally three references. In addition, some sites may also request that the student complete an application. From the list of interested students, the internship site will choose who they wish to interview for an internship. After the interview (and possibly a background check and/or reference check), an internship offer may be extended to the candidate or candidates they feel is the best fit for the organization. 

It is not required, but is highly suggested that you attend the resume and cover letter workshop and/or meet with Courtney Bailey, Career Counselor and the PSU Career Center, prior to sending your resume and cover letter to potential internship sites. 

Internship announcements are sent out in December. Students will be given several weeks to prepare their application materials and will have a one week window to submit their materials to the designated site representative. There may be a few exceptions for internship sites hosted at PSU, as they are contending with winter break closures. More information about that will be forthcoming. Students are required to apply to at least five to six internship sites, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Kim Douglas. 

**When an email announcement is made regarding an internship opening, please be sure to act with urgency.  Simply because an internship position closes on a certain date does not necessarily mean that the supervisor will continue to accept applications up until that date. Internship sites do pay attention to when the applications come in. Do not wait until the day that the position closes to send in your application materials!  

2023 - 2024 Internship Timeline (for 2024-2025 interns)

October 12, 2023: Internship meeting for all students on track to begin internship fall 2024

October 24, 2023: Internship Fair

Week of November 6, 2023: Internship applications due

Prior to February 1, 2024: Internship placement secured