Faculty Resources

For courses in Film Production, Time Based Arts and CORE.

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How to use the Equipment Office

  1. Notify the Equipment Office via cooneill@pdx.edu about any equipment you would like to reserve for your students.
    • To avoid schedule conflicts, please do this as early as possible within the first two weeks of the term.
    • In case of a lesson plan change, please notify Co at least one week in advance.
  2. Have your students sign the Policies and Procedures Form and the PSU Property Loan Agreement and submit them to the Equipment Office.
    • Make sure students include their PSU email address and student ID number on the forms!
  3. Email a copy of the final student roster for your course to the Equipment Office via bjam@pdx.edu by the end of the first week of each term.
    • Students will not be permitted to check out equipment until these steps have been completed by the instructor.

The Details

All of the students in your course must sign the Equipment Room Policies and Procedures Form as well as the PSU Property Loan Agreement before they can check out equipment. These documents must be filed with the Equipment Room Manager in the Equipment Office. You may print them out yourself or get hard copies from the Equipment Room Manager.

Please review these forms with your students to ensure they are correctly completed. It is your responsibility to ensure all paperwork is accurate and complete. Students with missing or incorrect paperwork will not be allowed to check out equipment.

Here's an example of how to fill out the Property Loan Agreement.

Equipment Availability

Your class will only have access to select equipment that is assigned to your course. You should determine your courses equipment pool in concert with the other faculty teaching production courses, and submit the list to the Equipment Office at the beginning of the term.

Students must make reservations in person at the Equipment Room.

Each term the check-in and check-out times will be limited. If you plan to conduct in-class shoots, make sure that arrangements have been made with your students and the Equipment Office to have the required equipment available during your class.

Equipment is for student use only, although instructors may check out equipment for in-class demonstrations.

CORE students have access to CORE Inventory only. They may not under any circumstance reserve or check out equipment from the Film Equipment Room or the A+D

Video Equipment Inventory.

Broken & Lost Equipment

The Equipment Room is a shared resource. Equipment will not be made available to people who abuse their borrowing privileges.

The borrower (including faculty and adjunct instructors) assumes responsibility for the safe transport, use and storage of the equipment from the time it is checked out until it is checked in.

Theft of or damage to the equipment, for any reason, is the financial responsibility of the borrower.

We strongly advise against storing equipment in a vehicle. If you must store equipment in a vehicle, lock it out of sight in the trunk.


If a student incurs a fine from the Equipment Office, or gets billed for lost or broken equipment they can make a payment to:



You are required to give your student an “Incomplete” in the course if the student fails to pay the fine by the end of the term.