3D Printing

How to 3D Print

3D Printing is managed by Materials Lab Staff and Graduate Digital Media Liaisons (DML).

  1. Verify that your digital model meets the 3D Printing Requirements. Confirm volume/material use for pricing.
  2. Submit your model to DML or Lab Staff for review and printing.
  3. Purchase ”Architecture 3D Printer” credits online at: https://commerce.cashnet.com/arch
  4. Print your receipt and deliver a hard copy of it to the staff. Prints will only be delivered after confirmation of payment.
  5. 3D prints take significant time to complete. Anticipate long queues around midterm and final reviews.

3D Printing requirements

  1. Your model must be a 3D solid, closed polysurface or watertight mesh. (in Rhino: ShowEdges to confirm no naked edges)
  2. NOTE: You cannot print open surfaces, 2D geometry, text or materials.
  3. Eliminate non-manifold geometry (edges shared by three or more faces). (in Rhino: ShowEdges to confirm no non-manifold edges)
  4. Check surface normals. All normals (vector perpendicular to the surface) should face toward the outside of the model. (in Rhino: Dir to check normals and correct as necessary)
  5. Scale to fit within build chambers (see below).
  6. Orient your model at the origin on the positive side of the X, Y and Z axes.
  7. Export your model as a Stereolithography (.STL) file and email to DML’s for printing.

Build Chamber Sizes

  • Replicator 5G: 9.9” x 7.8” x 5.9”
  • Z-18: 12” x 12” x 18”
  • Z-Corp: 8” x 10” x 8”


Makerbots: $0.20 / gram

Z-Corp: $5.00 / cubic inch