College of Education Scholarships

Welcome to the College of Education Scholarship Site! 

This is a resource to help organize the scholarships available to graduate students at the College of Education, individual scholarships will be placed on their respective month page for when they are due. 

This site lists scholarship opportunities from organizations outside of PSU/COE. The third parties offering scholarships listed on this site are not part of PSU/COE and are not vetted or otherwise endorsed by PSU/COE. PSU/COE has no jurisdiction or control over the terms of the scholarships, or how, when or to whom they are awarded. PSU/COE does not warrant, guarantee or otherwise indemnify any of the third parties’ actions. The lists provided are merely to show a range of possible options.

Scholarship Application Tips 

Requesting Letters of Recommendations/Reference

Writing Scholarship Essays

Standing Out From the Crowd

College Of Education Specific Scholarship Tips

After Winning Scholarship Tips 

Private Scholarship Tips: