Welcome to the Counselor Education Department!

Student Handbook 2021-2022

Portland State University

Portland, Oregon

Congratulations on your acceptance into the Counselor Education Department Master’s program. You are beginning an important journey that is likely to be both challenging and rewarding. You can expect a tremendous amount of personal and professional growth during your coursework and clinical training experiences, as well as both support and challenge from your faculty and peers. I know I speak for my faculty colleagues in saying that we are excited to witness and assist you in finding your place in the counseling profession.

The information in this handbook has been provided to help you better understand your program and the policies of the Counselor Education Department, the Graduate School of Education, and Portland State University. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with this handbook and to bring any questions about its contents to your faculty advisor.

You can also expect official departmental communications to be sent via your cohort’s email listserv to your PDX email address. It is your responsibility to check your PDX email regularly.

Please stay in communication with your faculty advisor and plan to meet with them sometime during your first year in the program (or earlier if directed). Your advisor can assist you in matriculating through the program, clarifying your career goals, and networking with counseling professionals.

I would like to acknowledge the incredible contributions to this handbook of our Department Assistant, Grace Spring, Clinical Mental Health Counseling student. Thank you, Grace!


Rana Yaghmaian, Ph.D., CRC

Acting Department Chair

Counselor Education Department