C. Staying Informed

PSU Bulletin

You should read the PSU Bulletin. This document describes university services such as financial aid, counseling, legal aid, and placement services that are available to students. It also contains course descriptions for all discrete numbered courses in the University. A copy of this document can be found on the PSU website.

E-mail Requirement

The faculty wants to keep in touch with you and help you keep in touch with other students in the department. Please note that e-mail is the major “vehicle” for the transmission of information about course changes, required meetings, applications for Practicum and Internship, comprehensive exams, etc. All students are required to maintain their PSU email addresses and check them daily. Class professors may correspond with the entire class through email announcements. Students must establish their email address prior to the start of the first term of their first year in the department. Students may begin to receive notifications and correspondence prior to their first term, for which the student is responsible. Students must notify the Counselor Education Graduate Assistant and/or the Counselor Ed admission staff (located on the second floor of GSE) of their exact PSU email address when they have been given one through OIT.