Keynote Speakers

Dr. Hilda Rosselli

Policy Director for Career and College Readiness for Oregon's Chief Education Office

Dr. Hilda Rosselli is the Policy Director for Career and College Readiness for the Chief Education Office (CEdO), working to encourage a seamless system from birth to college and career. She is the policy director lead on educator advancement and post-secondary education transitions, serving as the policy architect for the Oregon Educator Advancement Council charged by Governor Kate Brown to ensure equitable access to culturally responsive professional learning and supports for Oregon’s educators throughout the career continuum.

Prior to her appointment by the Governor’s office to her current position, Rosselli served as the Dean of Education at Western Oregon University for ten years, Associate Dean, professor, and faculty member at the University of South Florida for almost 20 years. She is a former American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education board member and continues her service on the AACTE edTPA national advisory group. She is a Commissioner on the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, author of numerous publications in the field to teacher preparation, and has been a keynote presenter at over a dozen national conferences.

Dr. Andrea Whittaker

Direcotr, Teacher Performance Assessment

Dr. Andrea Whittaker is Director of Teacher Performance Assessment at the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE), where she manages design, development and support for edTPA, a national partnership of more than 800 educator preparation programs in 40 states, the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, and the Evaluation Systems group of Pearson. As National Director, Dr. Whittaker provides technical assistance and policy support to preparation programs and state departments engaged in edTPA and implementation.

For 15 years prior to her position at Stanford, Andrea was Professor of Education at San José State University where she served as faculty, middle level program coordinator and department chair for Elementary Education. As a teacher educator, Andrea has taught courses in literacy, assessment and multicultural foundations, and supervised teacher candidates in clinical practice. Since the early 1990’s, she has participated in numerous local, state, national and international initiatives related to policy, school based partnerships, assessment and/or best practices in teaching and learning.

Dr. Marvin Lynn

Dean, PSU Graduate School of Education

Dr. Marvin Lynn is the Dean of the Graduate School of Education at Portland State University. He is an internationally recognized expert on race and education and the lead editor of the Handbook of Critical Race Theory in Education published simultaneously in the U.S. and the U.K. with Routledge Press. He serves as an editorial board member of several journals, and has published more than two-dozen research articles and book chapters in reputable outlets. As Dean of the GSE, Dr. Lynn works closely with an outstanding and diverse faculty and staff to advance the national profile of high quality academic programs while further building and strengthening relationships with local schools.

Prior to coming to PSU, Dr. Lynn served as Dean of the School of Education at Indiana University South Bend. Before that, he held the position of Associate Dean for Teacher Education at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Associate Professor of Curriculum & Instruction, Affiliate Faculty member in African American studies and Director of graduate and undergraduate elementary teacher preparation programs at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Assistant and Associate Professor of Minority & Urban Education—a graduate program he founded and coordinated at the University of Maryland at College Park. He also worked for several years as an elementary and middle school teacher in Chicago and New York City.