Areas of Support Offered at Mayfield

Monitor Teacher - Each student with an IEP/NIEP will be assigned a Monitor Teacher. This teacher will meet with their assigned students at least once a month to check in to see how the student is progressing. Also, monitors will liaise with teachers and parents throughout the year.  The IEP/NIEP document will be reviewed by the monitor teacher and parents 2 times per year.

Resource Room- Students are entitled to extra time and a quiet space to work. The room is staffed by SST,(Student Success) who can provide clarification on material students are working through.

Contact Room- This room is specifically designed for students who have social/emotional needs. It is open to all students who require brief periods of support during the day.

Levels of Support - Placements

LS1  - Students who have selected Learning Strategies (GLE) in their grade 9 timetable. This course can be selected once per year, each year of high school. The course teaches the development of skills like organization, time-management and social development/working relationships.  The course provides the opportunity for course work from other classes to be worked on with a Special Education teacher. 

The course teacher of GLE is the student's monitor teacher for the corresponding semester. 

LS2- Monitor Support students are provided with a monitor teacher each semester of their high school career. This individual will contact the student at least once a month to check on their progress.

Students will fluctuate between LS1 and LS2 if they choose GLE (Learning Strategies) each year. A change in placement level will require permission to be granted by parents for support level changes. It is recommended that if a student would benefit from GLE, it is selected at the time of course selection each year.

Terms to become familiar with:

SRM - Student Review Meetings

When a student is demonstrating difficulty, a meeting is held to discuss levels of intervention that would be beneficial. When a concern is raised about a student, the parent will be contacted and asked to attend the meeting in order to discuss the issues that are being seen at home, as well as at school. A team of educational professionals will help to determine what, if any, interventions are required.

IPRC - Placement Review Committee

Feeder school placement meetings are held in April/May for Grade 8 students attending Mayfield in the fall who have an IEP. Please encourage your child’s school to reach out in MARCH to establish a meeting time to present your child, their needs, and to discuss how we can be of support moving forward.

Students with an NIEP- Non identified Educational Plan will not have an IPRC, but if the elementary school deems it necessary, may choose to present them at a transition meeting. It is important that if your child has an NIEP, it is communicated to the school in order to determine if continued support of the NIEP is required.

IPRC meetings are also held if the level of support changes due to an LS1/LS2 placement change. You will be contacted to discuss the potential of this meeting.

IPRC meetings are also held in the event of a new identification due to the completion of a psychoeducational assessment.