Humberview Tabletop Gaming Club

It's All Fun and Games until...

It's the 2023/2024 school year and we are back to in school extra curricular activities, so we get to be the Humberview Tabletop RPG Club (although people can still organise virtual tables if they choose with full support).   

Those of you that were involved last year can be involved again, although I think this year we are starting with all new tables, so although there will be unlimited potential!  Several campaigns will be beginning for new people to jump on board.

So anyone interested in being involved or who have questions or concerns, either show up for a meeting (information coming soon) or contact Mr. Cockell at 

How is this going to work?

The club will run Wednesdays after school at 3:10pm to 5:00pm.  (We will experiment with this and adjust as the year progresses).  I will be running my game out of 201 and other games will run out of other rooms in the English wing (200-206)

Tabletop games traditionally run with 4-8 players per game.  If the club is small, I will take on the role of "Game Master" and run a game for students interested in learning.  If it is larger (8+ regulars) we may have to draft some of our members to take on the DM role as well, but we will deal with that if it happens.   I have several potential DM's ready to join us if the need arises.  

I will provide access to .pdf copies of relevant books through Google Drive.  

I have many systems available that use  Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Gaming System as their core mechanics.  I did this as it is the system most familiar to existing players, and the most common so it can help people explore the hobby, but DM's will not be required to use this system, as there are many great systems out there.  Below are some systems that I could potentially run, and I will gauge interest once the club begins, likely yielding to the interest of the majority of players.  As more DMs are added more options might present themselves.   

What Games Might We Play?

Calling All Storytellers!

If the club stays small (seven or less?), I can run it myself as Dungeon Master, but there may be a lot of you out there that are interested in TTRPGs, and if that ends up being the case; I am going to need some help to run what will need to be multiple, simultaneous games.  

If this happens, I am prepared to assist and run workshops to help my team of Dungeon Masters get a sense of the mechanics and familiarise you with Dungeon Mastering and possibly Roll20 as a platform.  

Now is the time for all good storytellers to rise up and create the worlds that their friends can escape to.  Will you answer the call?

if you are interested, contact Mr. Cockell at 

P.S. Feel free to run anything!  There is no requirement that you run D&D.  

The Technology

We are now clear to game in person, and have dice, books and other supplies.  Students interested in virtual gaming can primarily make use of the Virtual Tabletop Gaming Platform .

I encourage students who wish to make use of the platform to use their student Google ID ( when creating your free Roll20 account.  Roll20 is a third party tool, so be careful what information you post on it.  More information about Roll20 can be found here.