Proposed Games

Agents of I.N.T.R.E.P.I.D.- The Spy Game

(Current game 2023/24)

Mr. Cockell 

Greetings Agent:

You have been recruited into INTREPID, a clandestine global intelligence gathering and threat response agency in the tradition of Camp X and Canada’s role in global intelligence efforts to combat terror and war.  

In your cover as a representative of the Selkirk Foundation, an NGO and think tank focusing on Economic Development , you will travel to exotic locations and face off against the apocalyptic schemes of super villains bent on power or destruction. It is only your skill, charm, tech savvy and aim that will keep the world safe from the forces of chaos. 

Setting:  The year is 2024 and the setting is our world with the serial numbers filed off. Names and events will be changed, but the world is a heightened version of our own where global intelligence agencies battle with secret criminal cabals and transnational terrorist armies for control. (Think GIJoe vs. Cobra, SHIELD vs. Hydra, IMF or SPECTRE…). 

I will also not feel bound to “realism”, there will be fantastic gadgets and over the top action, and your characters are (at least at first…) unaware of certain aspects of the setting, and this may cross over into contemporary science fiction/fantasy. 

Characters: Operatives, soldiers, spies, hackers, wheelmen and other staples of James Bond or Mission: Impossible. 

Themes:  Intended to focus on social issues and to use convenient over the top stand ins for modern concerns of law and order, globalism, environmentalism and other issues that plague global politics.  There will be fantastical explorations of the concepts of freedom and truth, and how we can tragically accept the illusion of both, rather than fight for the real thing.  

Humberview Metropolis- A Claim the Skies (Cypher System) Campaign

Mr. Cockell (Coming in 2024!)

Humber City has until recently played only a minor part in the history of Metahumanity in Canada, but now it will take it's place and become the battleground that will determine the fate of the "Humberverse"!

Setting:  A fictional Canadian city (think Gotham or Metropolis) located just North of Toronto, that is the background for a sprawling super hero world full of metahumans and powerful beings of diverse origins.  

Characters: You will have the opportunity to choose a super heroic archetype that will let you step into the role of a super hero. Speedster, Powerhouse, Gadgeteer, Wizard... there are a lot of options.   

Themes:  Superhero stories are about what you choose to do with your power, and the responsibility that comes with the ability to change things for the better.   Players will be expected to rise to moral challenges and become their best selves, while recognizing that there are those who will choose the wrong path, and that super villians must be confronted.  The only thing necessary for evil to win is for heroes to do nothing.   


Mr. Cockell Option 1

They are called "The Stolen Lands" because they have been claimed by many nations, but for generations they have been left fallow.  The Aldori Swordlords of Brevoy have decided that the time has come for adventurers of skill and good intentions should take steps to tame this wild land and build a new nation from this lawless territory.  You are the characters that have been asked to take on this responsibility.  Do you have the will and resourcefulness to found a new nation?  

Setting:  Kingmaker takes place in the Golarion setting published by Paizo.  It is a High Fantasy setting that is in the Classic Dungeons and Dragons tradition.  You can learn more about Golarion here.

System:  We would be using Pathfinder 2E unless people really wanted to use D&D 5E, as there is a conversion available.  Basic rules for Pathfinder are available here.  

Themes: Kingmaker is about exploration and civilisation and will not shy away from the difficulty of both.  Be prepared to wrestle with the troubling implications of colonialism and the moral questions that arise whenever someone tries to create a new order.  Be prepared to be confronted with the greatest enemy of all: the consequences of your own choices.   

Characters:  All classes in Pathfinder are possible with particular emphasis on those equipped for exploration.  There is a Player's Guide for Kingmaker available going over potential character options.  


Mr. Cockell Option 2

A new uninhabited but resource rich planet has been discovered in the vast reaches of known space, and the societies of the Pact Worlds and their new allies the Veskarium have joined forces to create Project: Horizon; a dedicated effort to explore and settle this new frontier planet.  The governments, corporations and organizations of the Pact Worlds all seek to be the first group to harness the potential of this new land, and with so much at stake, how many of them will play fair?

You are one of the charters that has been sent to found your new colony.  It is not just your survival you need to pursue, but the survival of all the colonists that put their faith in you.

System: STARFINDER 1E.  Here is the link to the basiv beginner's rules set. 

Setting:  THE PACT WORLDS, a published setting by Paizo that is a Science/Fantasy setting with both magic and space ships.  More can be learned here.

Characters: Starfinder provides a variety of Science fantasy character options: Mechanics, Soliders, Mystics, Tecnomancers and more.  There is a document that gives more details about character options for this campaign in particular here.

Themes:  Horizons of the vast is a campaign about exploration but also about politics and the pursuit of power.  Although the planet is unoccupied (as far as you know) the conflicts of the Pact Worlds have travelled along with the colonists to this new world, and with them the potential for all the same mistakes.  Can you break the cycle?

The USS Pearson- Star Trek Adventures

Mr. Cockell Option 3

In the vast expanse of space, sits a vacant cold desert and it is only the small oasises life that offer some hope of connection.  

These are the voyages of the USS Pearson: it’s continuing mission; to patrol the vast darkness and to preserve life where it flourishes, and to aid where it falters. 

To bring the gift of peace, where strife would grow. 

To provide the gift of community to worlds surrounded by silence and void.  

Setting:  Star Trek Adventures is set in United Federation of Planets, the setting made popular by the decades old Star Trek Franchise.  Thus it is not difficult to find resources that talk about the history of this setting but here is a convienient wiki.  

Themes: In the classic tradition of Star Trek, we will be using the future to explore concepts that we struggle with in the present.  How do we deal with inequality in a world of finite resources?  How can we maintain a diverse, multicultural society that respects the beliefs and rights of all without it falling into the hands of demagogues and extremists?  Does technology and progress bring us together, or provide us the tools of our own self-destruction?  

Characters:  A Space Opera setting, Star Trek most often centres around officers in Starfleet, the exploration and peacekeeping force maintained by the United Federation of Planets.  Thus you are all likely to be members of the crew of the USS Pearson, a Federation starship tasked with keeping the peace in a galaxy that threatens to fall into war if those of good conscience to not remain vigilant.  

Apocalypse Meow- Pugmire/Monarchies of Mau

Mr. Cockell Option 4

The Old Ones, the humans, are long gone. The good Dogs of the Kingdom of Pugmire revere and honour their ancient masters; and the cunning Cats of the Monarchies of Mau remember their ancient servants with great affection.  But the Old Ones have left only the ancient artifacts of their powerful magic behind; to be scavenged by those who would seek their wisdom.  

It has been two generations since the War of Dogs and Cats brought bloody conflict to the gates of Castle Korat, the easternmost stronghold of the Monarchies, but the Dogs still growl and the Cats still lick their remembered wounds.  

You are Trailblazers, servants of the ruling council of Mau and it is your task to both serve the will of the crowns, but also to seek out the mysteries of the Old Ones in the dangerous places, from the frozen wastes of the north to the Acid Seas to the south; to watch for danger from  the Bird islands, the Badger hordes and the vast Lizard desert.  

You have been asked to enter the Forbidden Forest, the dark and dangerous territory that separates the Kingdom of Pugmire from the Monarchies.  Word is, that Badger highwaymen have been stealing what few land shipments still regularly pass between the two nations.   

Humankind is no longer able to protect their precious master Cats; it is now the time for the cleverest Cats to raise their hackles and bear their claws in defence of all.

Setting:  The Kingdoms of Pugmire setting is a post-apocalyptic epic fantasy setting where the players take on the role of anthropomorphic animals.  Humans are no longer around but their “Magic” (Technology?) remains and Cats and Dogs must face the devastation and monsters that plague their civilisation that has risen from the ashes of humanity.  

System:  Pugmire/Monarchies of Mau (5E)

Themes: In addition to the obvious cautionary tale elements, Apocalypse Meow is intended to explore the nature of human beings through the flaws and foibles of the creatures that seek to emulate the Old Ones.  Will pride and devotion lead Cats and Dogs to suffer the same fate that befell humanity?  What will be humanity’s legacy?

Characters:  There are setting equivalents of almost every core D&D class and a few more.  The premise presumes that the majority of the group are Cats, but there are rules that will allow one or two people to play Dogs or even a Bird or Lizard.  

Blood of Tyrants- a TORG Eternity Campaign

Mr. Cockell Option 6

TORG is set in the near now.  Earth has been invaded by alien realities: a world of magic and monsters, a world of beasts and savagery, a world of chrome and corruption, a world of horror and hunters, a world of action and wierd science a world of demons and death, and a world of wealth and intrigue.  They have all fallen like a curtain over our world and it is only the Storm Knights, heroes like you, that will be able to push back against the invaders.   

Setting:  The year is nowish, but in 2019 the Earth was invaded by alien realities and thus the world took a bit of a different direction after that.    Names and events will be changed, but the world is a parallel version of our own where certain parts of the world now work under very different rules, and have been transformed in ways both recognizable and disturbingly familiar.   TORG is a game where different realities (genres) compete for dominence against each other, meaning you will find Pre-Historic, Cyberpunk, Action Adventure, Intrigue, High Fantasy, Victorian Horror, Post Apocalyptic and Weird Science all compete against each other and clash for control.   

Characters: You are Storm Knights, the only beings capable of crossing into alien realities without succumbing to their power.  Yo can be from any reality so your potential for character concepts is vast.   

Themes:  TORG is a war story about power and perseverence but also the ability to understand and accept change.   You will be asked to understand and act to protect even those whose realities are very different from your own and realize what aspects of humanity are common no matter where you are from.