Safety Stars

Minds On

What are we looking at here?

How did Jacques Plants change hockey history for the better?

Let's Read!

Let's Make

Design and 3D Print a Goalie Mask

Watch the video above about the evolution of goalie masks. Use 3D designing software, like TinkerCad to design your own goalie mask that emphasizes some of the safety features listed in the video. When you are finished, show your teacher and explain how you've made the helmet safer for players. Once your design is approved by your teacher, you may have it 3D printed.

Design and Print Safety Awards/Badges

Using the program Canva, design an award or badge for one of the players that highlights how their contributions have made hockey game safer for all players.

Create an Interactive Timeline of Hockey Safety Gear

Read the uniform booklet linked below. Create an interactive timeline using alone or with a partner that illustrates the how hockey equipment has become safer over the years. Share your work!