School  Newsletter

  May 4th 2023

Dear Parents,

The last day of the summer term for this academic year will be Tuesday 27th June, 2023 and school will finish at 11:30 am.

We anticipate that the Eid Al Adha holiday will start on Wednesday 28th June (coloured green on our academic calendar). However, if the Eid holidays start before this date, the end of term will be brought forward to accommodate this holiday. Alternatively, if the Eid holidays commence after this date, the last day of term will be unchanged as 27th June.

Please take some time to view the Class Pages for more detailed information about your child's learning this week and any class notices here

Early Years - Baby bird rescue

On Sunday, Early Years children spotted a baby bird which had fallen into one of the drains.  We launched a rescue operation and managed to fish it out of the water.  It was a strange looking bird, especially since it was soaking wet!  We investigated the surrounding trees but could not see a nest anywhere.  Luckily, we knew that Miss Emma is an expert at rescuing animals, so we went to ask her advice.  She told us that the bird was a red wattled plover and that they lay their eggs on the ground.  We put the baby bird back onto the ground near some bushes and later saw 2 adult red wattled plovers calling for the baby!  At hometime, the baby was spotted running into the bushes with the mother and father nearby.  It was a lovely experience to save the baby bird and we will continue to look out for the birds in our outdoor area.

Good luck Miss Wafa

Miss Wafa has now started her maternity leave.  We would like to wish her good luck during this exciting time and we look forward to hearing more news on the birth of her baby.  We would like to thank Miss Wafa for all her efforts this year in the Camel Class and for supporting Miss Pamela during the transition period.  We extend a warm welcome to Miss Pamela as she takes over as the class teacher of the Camel Class, until the end of the academic year.

Miss Dawn, Leader for Early Years

Year 2- IPC

As part of our 'People of the Past' topic this week Year 2J have been learning all about Florence Nightingale, who was the founder of modern nursing. Year 2J learnt about the problems that Florence encountered as a nurse and how she overcame these problems to improve medical care for everyone. 

Term 3 Enrichment

Thank you to the staff who have given their time to run activities for PDO children. Below are a few photos from a few of the courses being run this term.

Each week in Term 3, over 600 places have been offered to children and 95% of eligible children at PDO school will be participating in the programme. This figure has increased from less than 80% last term.

Throughout this academic year, PDO School has given nearly 1700 enrichment places to children.

Term 1: 520

Term 2: 605

Term 3: 570. 

We have  offered 36 different activities throughout the course of the year. Many thanks to all staff staff who have given their valuable time, in order to support this programme for our children.

Mr Gary - Leader for Enrichment


Phase 2 Keyboard


Staff Wars



Staff Wars

PDO School Band



Phase 3 Keyboard

Water Polo


Phase 2/3 Choir

Sopranino and Renaissance Recorders Informal Concert May 2023.mp4

Thursday Informal Concert

The first Informal Concert of Term 3 was a joint performance between Sopranino and Renaissance Recorder Ensembles. These two groups rehearse with both Mr Alex and myself before school at 7.30am on Sundays. Congratulations to them all and in particular for their dedication and commitment throughout this academic year.

Gary Ruston - Leader of Music

Year 1 - Year 6 Rising Stars E and Audio Library

PDO School has recently subscribed to the Rising Stars Reading Planet ebooks and Audio Library for all of our Year 1 - Year 6 students.

Ms Kirsty has given all of the students their user name and password and shown everyone how to login during their IT lessons this week and last week.

Five books have been assigned to all students already and class teachers can assign many more for students to read at home, or on holiday, if they have an iPad or other device to use. There are games and puzzles at the end of each story and lots of stars to collect for completing the tasks.

You can access the online library using the link below: 


Ms Kirsty has very kindly created a video for you in the link below to show you how to login and use the system:

If your child has misplaced their login detail and or password, please contact your class teacher.

Ms Zoe

PDO School Library

How to log in and navigate Rising Stars Library.mp4


As a part of their electricity topic, the year 6 children have been calculating the battery voltage needed to power a variety of components.  This week's investigation required them to calculate the voltage needed to power multiple components in a single circuit.

Year 4 have been learning about electrical conductors and insulators. The children made a simple electrical circuit, in order to test conductivity of a variety of items found in the science room, they were very surprised by some of the results!

Mr Joe - Leader for Science

International Market Day

The PTA are hosting the highly popular International Market Day on Saturday 13th May from 10am to 2pm. This is a great opportunity for the whole community to come together and share some cultural delights ranging from food, art and various other activities which celebrate our diversity. There will be lots going on throughout the day to keep the whole family engaged; face painting, singing from the choir, fairground games, a raffle and much more. Please show your support by coming and bring friends and family along with you to the school to join us in celebrating this special event. You can find more details regarding the event on the poster below.

We look forward to seeing you all there,

Mr Mohsin and the PTA team

Supporting Teachers' Wellbeing

This year, as a new initiative, our hardworking and dedicated teachers have the opportunity to take a wellbeing day of their choice. Wellbeing days can make us feel healthier and more resilient and can increase awareness around mental and physical health. Also, the teachers would once again like to thank all the parents who have, via the PTA, baked wonderful treats for us every Thursday, bringing a huge smile to our faces at the end of every week.

Dates for your Diary

Leaving Oman 

We request that parents who have plans to move away from Oman, to please provide us with the details as soon as possible by emailing Ms Cheryl, cfox@pdoschool.com or Ms Kath, kmorgan@pdoschool.com .  This will allow us time to prepare the Transfer Certificate and other documents your child may require for their application to a new school, as well as to be able to give your child a traditional school farewell.  

Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend,

Kath Morgan

         Headteacher                                                           Acting Headteacher                                                       School Nurse

cfox@pdoschool.com       kmorgan@pdoschool.com                           nurse@pdoschool.com

Parental Concerns:


At PDO School, we acknowledge that, from time to time, parents may wish to express concerns about specific aspects of their child’s education. We are always happy to investigate and respond to these concerns. Please note that, for the Class Teachers, it is important that even informal discussions take place outside their teaching time. 

What do I do if I have a concern?

Please make the Class Teacher your first point of contact if your concern is not successfully resolved, please contact the school via notices@pdoschool.com to make an appointment with the Headteacher, Cheryl Fox,  or the Deputy Headteacher, Ms. Kath Morgan.

Mr. Hamed, our School Manager, is also happy to listen to any parental concerns that have not been resolved successfully.