School  Newsletter

  28th February 2024

Dear Parents,

It has been very positive to see so many parents supporting the school this week in preparation for International Day this week. We know that several parents have dedicated many days and hours to this project and we are looking forward to the event on Thursday. Also thanks to Ms Munira and who has coordinated the event for this week, and all our support staff who have worked on this project for several weeks. The aim is to provide a Learning focused opportunity for all children to explore the cultural, geographical, architectural, dances, art, craft, food (and much more) aspects of countries and regions.

The International Curriculum (IC)  IPC and IEYC promotes Developing International Mindedness as a key part of its curriculum.  Our aim is to develop children who have a clear identity, but are also able to collaborate with other cultures in a professional or social environment. Modern education is much more progressive and encompasses a whole host of dispositions that children will require to be confident successful adults.

 Please see the infographic below.

The Eights Key areas of Developing International Mindedness are highlighted below.

Parent Connect

At the end of last term, we distributed the Parent Connect minutes, there were several questions that we were unable to answer as we did not have the required information to respond. If you asked a question and you require further explanation then please contact Mr. Tim, Ms. Claire or your child's class teacher and we will respond to your question. We understand the complexities of modern education- it may for example be very different from your base country. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of modern education.

Middle Years Questionnaire.

Can I please request that parents complete the questionnaire sent out on Seesaw earlier this week? Many thanks for your support.

Tim Robinson


Early Years

In Early Years, our outdoor play is fantastic for sparking creativity and communication. It is a space where our imaginations can run wild, from cooking in a mud kitchen to riding bikes and climbing. It is a great opportunity for us to chat and work together, whether we are negotiating game rules or simply enjoying a walk. 


We have had three MPSL competitions recently:

U11 Boys Basketball

U11 Athletics

u9&U11 Cross Country

Our teams have continued to represent PDO school in the manner we expect showing, resilience, hard work and respect. They have demonstrated some fantastic skills across all areas and showed incredible teamwork to support each other along the way. We are very proud of them with our young teams achieving 2nd, 3rd and 4th place finishes out of 10 schools. Well done to everyone who has taken part.

Under 9 Girls Cross Country Team

Under 9 Boys Cross Country Team

Under 11 Girls Cross Country Team

Under 11 Boys Cross Country Team

Under 11 Athletics Team

Under 11 Boys Basketball Team

Milepost 1

Year 1 have been investigating the relationship between doubles and near doubles this week.  

Are you good at doubling numbers? This can help you add numbers that are close to each other.

The trick is to double a number that you know and then add on or take away the difference.

If you know that 6 + 6 = 12 then this can help you work out 6 + 7.

6 + 7 is the same as 6 + 6 + 1 which makes 13.

We collaborated to identify patterns and work on using mathematical vocabulary during our lessons.

Milepost 2

Year 4 Trip to Al Ansab Wetland

Year 4 travelled to the Al Ansab Wetland on Monday and Tuesday this week as part of their IPC unit 'Explorers and Adventurers'. The children used a map to identify where they were going, completed a tally chart of the fauna they saw using images to identify the birds, sketched some of the flora and answered questions about the wildlife. Many birds were spotted with the naked eye and through their binoculars including Flamingoes, Greater Cormorants, Grey Herons, Indian Pond Herons, Egrets, Ducks, Plovers, Moorhens, Eurasian Collared Doves, White Wagtails and Marsh Harriers. We also saw and heard many Red Wattled Lapwings. The children loved using all of their senses whilst walking around the wetland. In addition to the birds, we also spotted insects, spiderwebs made on the ground, tracks made by the animals, we heard the wind blowing through the tall reeds, birdsong and we smelt the water and mud. We even spotted a toad during the woodland walk!

Anyone wishing to visit this wonderful environment can book through Nama Water using this link.


First Aid Training Course to our teachers at PDO school

Nurse Munira 

Milepost 3

Year 6 Assembly -Mother Language Day 21st February 

Did you know that collectively our students can speak over 30 different languages? Last week, the students in 6L visited all the year groups to find out about mother languages and collect data. They presented their findings in assembly - it was a wonderful reminder and a chance to celebrate and promote linguistic and cultural diversity. According to The United Nations, linguistic diversity faces increasing threats as more languages vanish. At least 45% of the estimated 7000 languages spoken in the world are endangered so it is important that we appreciate and honour the many mother languages at PDO School.

Request to Fast

As the Holy month of Ramadan approaches, we would like to support the children in our care who intend to fast. If your child(ren) will be fasting for any amount of time during school hours, please complete this form: Request to fast link 

Please complete the form as many times as necessary to provide the information for each of your children who may be fasting. 

Please note that our school nurse, Nurse Munira may be in contact with you to ensure your child is fully supported during this time of fasting. 

If you have any questions please get in contact with your child's class teacher

Thank you in advance.


Dear Parents,

May we ask for your help in improving PDO School.

We are constantly trying to improve the education that we offer the pupils of our school and are now at a stage in the school year where we need you to tell us how well you think we are doing and how we can improve the things that are important to you. Please spare 10 minutes to complete a questionnaire by going to

https://survey.gl-assessment.co.uk/s/BGXX3Z/ and logging on using the password provided below.

Your password is: PDOOMAN998Pa

The password is case sensitive.

By completing the questionnaire, you will be telling us how you think we should be spending our time and resources, to make our school the best that it can be for your child.

Each completed questionnaire is vital in finding out what parents think. Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and will make a difference to how we run the school and plan for the future.

With thanks in anticipation of your help.

Yours faithfully

Tim and Claire

Talent Show Finalists

It has been an eventful journey, highlighting the varied talents within our school community. Today, we announced the names of our finalists who have impressed us and will be advancing to showcase their talent to the school. 

Congratulations to:

Thank you

A heartfelt thank you to our judges - Mr. Tim, Ms. Maylee, Ms. Nabiha, and Ms. Rachel, and a special thanks to all parents for your unwavering support and encouragement. It truly makes a difference.

Reminder for Finalists: 

Please prepare your music/props and  join Ms.Iftin in the Main Hall at 11:30 AM on Sunday to practise your performances on stage. 

Dates for your Diary

Wishing you a pleasant weekend,

The PDO School Team