School  Newsletter

  30th March 2023

Dear Parents,

Thank you to all our lovely parents for their wonderful support during our IPC Exit points, this week. The children loved sharing their work with you, and I was incredibly impressed with the children who chose to deliver their presentations in different languages. 

We hope you have a wonderful holiday. We are excited about our final term at PDO School, with International Day and International Market Day to look forward to.

Please take some time to view the Class Pages for more detailed information about your child's learning this week and any class notices here

Early Years Exit Points:  Castles, Knights and Princesses


Children in FS1A and FS1B were excited to share their learning with their parents in our outdoor area this week.  They had the opportunity to show parents how they independently access the continuous provision, for example the bikes and scooters, water area and climbing equipment, which supports their development in all areas of learning.  They also engaged in the dragon school activities which were linked to our  castles theme.  Thank you to all the parents who attended.

Miss Dawn - Leader for Early Years


Children in FS2 shared their learning from our theme which included an information poster about horses, a zigzag book all about knights, junk model castles, designs for shields and dragons and a song.  Parents and children also shared the children's Learning Journey books and completed a 'wow slip' to show their favourite piece of learning so far this year.  Thank you to everyone for attending.

IPC - Superheroes!

Year 1 completed their knowledge harvest as part of the Entry Point for 'Super Heroes - Focus on senses'.  We were impressed with the questions pupils had about the human body, and we are excited to continue our journey of exploration and learning with this exciting topic. After the half-term holiday, we will use our five senses to explore, investigate and understand ourselves and the world around us.

Miss Emma and Mr Mohsin

Year 2 has been focusing on this month's Personal Learning Goal - Collaborator. Both classes had the opportunity to work with different friends from each class on a 'Collabo - Art' project. Communication skills were honed when teams placed the pieces of the giant puzzle together to create a dramatic and colourful artwork.

Mr Tom and Miss Julie Ann


This week, Year 2 thought about the importance of effective data collection and considered the benefits of different data collection methods. They collected data to create a tally chart and used this to make a pictogram on a computer. The children explained what their finished pictogram showed by writing a range of statements to describe this. Please click here to see the program we have been using and have a go at making your own pictogram.

Miss Kirsty  -Leader for IT 


To end the term, we had years 3-6 take part in an inter-house, tug-of-war competition. Each year group split into their house colours and tested their strength and determination against each other. Each contest was very closely fought with overall combined points as follows:

Red - 38 Points

Green - 32 Points

Blue - 28 Points

Yellow - 22 Points

Congratulations, Red Team. Next up we have our net games inter-house tournaments coming up in Term 3. 

Mr Scott - Leader for PE

Year 4 Exit Point- Explorers and Adventurers 

The Year 4 pupils invited their parents to come on an adventure on Wednesday afternoon and learn all about a famous explorer of their choosing. Starting with a viewing gallery of Margaret Mee, style water-colour artwork, the parents then journeyed on to the classrooms where some children even delivered their presentation in their home language! The children worked very hard on their projects and we were delighted to see so many parents coming to support; thank you.

Miss Eimear, Miss Arlene and Miss Iftin


Year 4

Year four have been learning all about electricity and how to draw simple circuit diagrams. Once the children have drawn their circuit diagram they make and test the circuit to see if it works, if it doesn't  work the children have to try and find out why!

Year 6

Year six are also studying electricity, the year six unit builds on the knowlegde, skills and understanding gained in year four. The children are learning how to draw, make and test more complex circuits. With more components added the task of finding out where the problem is becomes increasing more complicated!

Mr Joe - Leader for Science

Curriculum Music

This been a very busy, loud and percussive term in music with most year groups using a combination of tuned and untuned percussion instruments. 

Year 6: African Drumming Drumming/World Percussion Fusion

Year 5: Samba/Gamelan

Year 4: An introduction to Ensemble on trumpet and clarinet

Year 3: Introduction to Percussion Ensemble and Polyrhythms/ Dragon Dance Percussion Ensemble

Year 2: Tuned Percussion Ensemble

Year: Introduction to music notation on tuned percussion

It has been quite a short but very successful term so well done to everyone. I hope you all have a restful break. Mr Joe in the classroom next door and my ears will certainly appreciate the calm and tranquillity over the next two weeks! 

Mr Gary - Leader for Music

IMG_0202 (2).JPG

School Photograph Update

Our school photographer from Foto Magic, who is based in City Centre Qurum, was in school again this week to take photographs of our Year 5 students, who were on a class trip and camp when the the other photographs were taken, and the students who were absent when the fist photgraphs were taken.

We expect that the photographs will be ready in the first week of the new term. There will be a charge of apx 6 OMR for a set of a class and individual photograph. The class photos will be 8"x12" and the individual portrait will be 6"x8". There will also be 4 passport size portraits. There will be an additional charge for each sibling photograph, for parents who choose this option, which will be confirmed.

Ms Zoe 


Hindi request

In order for our Hindi after school class to continue in Term3 on Thursdays weekly, Miss Priya is looking for 2 adult helpers to support her. If you are interested please inform notices@pdoschool.com who will pass on your information to her. All adults who work with children at PDO School will need to present a DBS Clearance Certificate. 

Leaving Oman 

We request that parents who have plans to move away from Oman, to please provide us with the details as soon as possible by emailing Ms Cheryl, cfox@pdoschool.com or Ms Kath, kmorgan@pdoschool.com .  This will allow us time to prepare the Transfer Certificate and other documents your child may require for their application to a new school, as well as to be able to give your child a traditional school farewell.  

Dates for your Diary

Parental Concerns:


At PDO School, we acknowledge that, from time to time, parents may wish to express concerns about specific aspects of their child’s education. We are always happy to investigate and respond to these concerns. Please note that, for the Class Teachers, it is important that even informal discussions take place outside their teaching time. 

What do I do if I have a concern?

Please make the Class Teacher your first point of contact if your concern is not successfully resolved, please contact the school via notices@pdoschool.com to make an appointment with the Headteacher, Cheryl Fox,  or the Deputy Headteacher, Ms. Kath Morgan.

Mr. Hamed, our School Manager, is also happy to listen to any parental concerns that have not been resolved successfully.

Wishing everyone a pleasant holiday,

Cheryl Fox

         Headteacher                                                       Deputy Headteacher                                                       School Nurse

cfox@pdoschool.com       kmorgan@pdoschool.com                           nurse@pdoschool.com