School  Newsletter

  23rd March 2023

Dear Parents,

The Parent Teacher Conferences are always well attended, and I was thrilled to have an opportunity to speak with so many of you. Several parents had expressed that there needed to be more time during the meeting to discuss their child's progress in detail; we have taken your comments on board. The most recent consultation was extended from the usual 15 minutes to 20 minutes; additionally, we will be holding informal meetings throughout the year. You will be offered the opportunity to meet with your child's teacher again in  April/May, and then a final progress consultation will occur in June. I hope that you will find the extra meetings helpful to further understand and support your child's progress at home.

Please take some time to view the Class Pages for more detailed information about your child's learning this week and any class notices here

Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan Kareem to all of our Muslim families.

This year, students whose parents have confirmed with the school that they are fasting can come to the library during break and lunch times to read, colour and play games. They are also welcome to use the Prayer Rooms which are next to the library.

Ms Abeer has kindly created a  Ramadan Calendar to help children celebrate Ramadan.

Equestrian Parade with Knights of Oman

We started the week with a lively Equestrian Parade here in PDO School. All pupils from EYFS to Year 6 were respectful and attentive spectators during the performance which was inspired by the folklore and traditions accumulated over many years of Omani culture. It was quite a treat to learn about Coach Rashid's team and their expertise. Riders wore traditional Omani attire and rode using the traditional saddle with intricate hand sewn designs. Our pupils were most impressed when the Knights of Oman team showed off their mounted equestrian skills by balancing on the backs of two horses at the same time. Our Personal Learning Goal for this month is Collaboration and our pupils had the chance to see first hand the importance of teamwork and resilience. 

Thank you to our parent partner, Ms. Reinilda, for your help and support during this event and also to Knights of Oman.

Year 2 Horse care workshop

Year 2 had a special opportunity to groom and feed the horses after the parade from Knight Equestrian group. Coach Rashid explained how he cares for his horses, this included how to groom the horses, how to clean their hooves and how to ensure they have a balanced diet. We also learnt about the equipment a horse rider needs to hold on to and stay safe on the horse.The most exciting part was feeding the horses!

This Week's Learning in Phase 2

Year 4 have started a new book in English- 'How to Train your Dragon' by Cressida Cowell. We have been exploring the language in the book and dicussing the personal learning goals which Hiccup might need to use to complete the challenge!

School Production Rehearsals -  Phase 3

Rehearsals for the end of year school production, 'Seussical Jr' are in full swing. The children are busy learning lines, song lyrics and dances. This week, we choreographed one of the biggest song numbers, 'Oh the Thinks you can Think'. Judging by the enthusiasm and excitement from all the Year 6s during our rehearsals, the production promises to be a fun, high energy show full of laughter. Next week during the Year 6 assembly, there will be a little 'taster' of the show as the drama club and some of the Year 6s will be performing one of the songs from the show. All children involved in the school production should check the Seussical Google Classroom regularly for updates and other important information.

Out of School Achievements 

Will (Y6L), Dani (Y6N), Josh (Y5J) and Sebastian (Y4A) took part in the International Tournament, the Arab Youth Cup in Qatar last weekend, taking home the Under 10’s Silver Cup trophy!  The boys played 5 games to take them into the Silver Cup final, with some stunning goals along with way!  Sebastian captained the team, with the game coming down to a tense penalty shoot out. Will saved all three penalty shots, giving the boys their hard earned trophy!  

Faris (Y3N)  Max (Y2J), Rory (Y2T), and Imad (Y1M) also took part in the Arab Youth Cup, representing their football club in the Under 8 team. The boys played on pitches the same size as the under 16 age category! Running their hearts out over the 5 games, they all managed to score and take their team to the Bronze final!  

Savannah Year 2T

Congratulations to Savannah who took part in the PDO tennis tournament recently finishing in 3rd Place for the second time. Well done Savannah! 

HeartSaver First Aid Training for PDO Teachers and LSAs

Teachers and LSAs attended CPR and First Aid Training with staff from PDO Clinic this week . It was definitely a very hands on and informative course for our staff in order that if needed, they can attend to anyone who needs any life saving support.

If you would like some more information on CPR, please click on the link below:

School Photographs

Our school photographer from Foto Magic, who is based in City Centre Qurum, was in school last week taking class and individual photographs of all students outside in our gardens. Our Year 5 students, who were on a class trip and camp, will have their pictures taken early on Monday 27th March. Any other students who were absent for the photographs, can have individual photographs taken on Monday 27th March.

We expect that the photographs will be ready in the next few weeks. There will be a charge of apx 6 OMR for a set of a class and individual photograph. The class photos will be 8"x12" and the individual portrait will be 6"x8". There will also be 4 passport size portraits. There will be an additional charge for each sibling photograph, for parents who choose this option, which will be confirmed.

Miss Zoe 


Term 3 Enrichment Signup

Thank you to all the parents who signed up for Term 3 Enrichment. So far the new signup trial has gone smoothly and your requests are currently being processed. 

Ninety five percent of children in Year 1 - 6 have applied for courses, which clearly emphasises the growing importance and popularity of the programme.

Term 3 Enrichment will commence the first full week after Eid (Sunday April 30th) and parents will be notified of their children's  allocated activities during the first week of the new term.

Term 2 Enrichment has now finished so there will be no enrichment next week.

Finally, thank you as always to the teachers and LSAs who run the activities and to Ms Zoe for administering the signup process. The enrichment programme would not be possible without the staff giving up their valuable time to support the children.

If you have any late queries, please email them to Ms Zoe at zmcintyre@pdoschool.com

Mr Gary - Leader of Enrichment gruston@pdoschool.com 

Leaving Oman 

We request that parents who have plans to move away from Oman, to please provide us with the details as soon as possible by emailing Ms Cheryl, cfox@pdoschool.com or Ms Kath, kmorgan@pdoschool.com .  This will allow us time to prepare the Transfer Certificate and other documents your child may require for their application to a new school, as well as to be able to give your child a traditional school farewell.  

Dates for your Diary

Parental Concerns:


At PDO School, we acknowledge that, from time to time, parents may wish to express concerns about specific aspects of their child’s education. We are always happy to investigate and respond to these concerns. Please note that, for the Class Teachers, it is important that even informal discussions take place outside their teaching time. 

What do I do if I have a concern?

Please make the Class Teacher your first point of contact if your concern is not successfully resolved, please contact the school via notices@pdoschool.com to make an appointment with the Headteacher, Cheryl Fox,  or the Deputy Headteacher, Ms. Kath Morgan.

Mr. Hamed, our School Manager, is also happy to listen to any parental concerns that have not been resolved successfully.

Wishing everyone a pleasant weekend

Cheryl Fox

         Headteacher                                                            Deputy Headteacher   


        School Nurse

cfox@pdoschool.com       kmorgan@pdoschool.com                           nurse@pdoschool.com