School  Newsletter

   4th October 2023

Dear Parents,

Seesaw is now functioning in the school and we hope to have all parents signed up shortly. Please note we will continue to connect with parents using the current platform as we are still in a transition phase. After the school holidays communication will only be though Seesaw. Last week we had 278 Likes by parents, many thanks to you all for engaging with our learning process.

We are looking forward to meeting several parents at the PTA coffee morning tomorrow at 10.30, we are looking forward to welcoming you all.

A reminder that a follow up meeting from the School Review will take place on  Thursday the 11th in the school hall.  This is parents only event.

Class pages will cease to function after this week, Seesaw will replace the Class pages.

Can I please suggest that if parents require clarity on a school issue, homework,  etc then the first point of contact should be your Child's class teacher. We have introduced Seesaw so that we are able to operate 2 way communication. Please note that you can also meet your Child's class teacher Face to Face any any time across the year . (Please make an appointment through Seesaw)

Tim Robinson


Early Years

Turtle Class had a busy week preparing Turtle’s Birthday Celebration in our outdoor shaded area. The children worked in groups preparing the cake, using stamps to create wrapping paper with patterns and decorating the outdoor area. They were all cooperative and respected each others’ ideas. 

Milepost 1

 In IPC in Year 1, the children were introduced to an Aboriginal folktale originating from Australia. We then used our atlases and Ipads to locate Australia on a map and digitally using Google Earth. The children were then immersed in activities to give them a deeper understanding of the landmarks and geographical features which can be found in Australia.

Milepost 2

Year 4

In Year 4, students have embarked on an exciting literary journey by immersing themselves in the world of Lucy from our literary text "The Wolves in the Walls." This engaging story has allowed our young readers to explore empathy as a key learning goal. To deepen their understanding and connect even more with Lucy's emotions, our class recently engaged in a "Freeze Frame" activity.

During the Freeze Frame activity, students selected a key moment from the story and recreated it as still scenes. They worked in small groups to act out Lucy's expressions, her family's reactions, and the looming presence of the wolves. This exercise allowed our students to physically embody the characters' emotions and delve deeper into the story's themes.

Milepost 3

Year 6

Action! While virtually visiting the Acropolis last week, the children noticed the similarities between the Theatre of Dionysus and the Theatre Pompeii that they saw during their Entry Point. This encouraged us to explore Ancient Greek theatre and compare how plays then differed from the productions we might see today. The children then chose a well-known story from Ancient Greece and set to work creating a playscript and making a variety of masks and props. Rehearsals are now underway and everyone is very excited to see the final performances. 

PTA Coffee Morning

The PTA will host the first PTA Coffee Morning for this academic year on Thursday 5th October at 10:30 am. 

All parents are invited to attend the coffee morning that will be held in the main school building.


Starting on the 8th of November we have paired up with the Ras Al Hamra Golf Club to offer an after-school golf programme. Using specialist SNAG equipment, club Head professional Zander Potgieter will instruct small groups indoors at PDO School. More information about the sessions can be found here.

The cost of the tuition is 30 OMR + vat and will take place every Wednesday during the usual enrichment time. 

Spaces are limited so if you are interested please email:

sdemellweek@pdoschool.com to confirm your spot or if you would like more information.


We have had a great start to our Morning Netball Club. The sign up for the club is now closed. Our team of girls are developing their understanding of the game rules, positions and skills. We are very impressed with how quickly they have progressed in only two sessions and we are now looking to add an additional session to support this progress. If you are interested in joining Netball we will have more sessions to sign up for in January. 

Aquathlon Club 

Our Aquathlon team had a great session this week. Starting in reverse with an indoor run followed by some swim training the team displayed a lot of determination and resilience which are key attributes that we are trying to develop for this event. As the weather cools we will start to run outside in preparation for our MPSL Aquathlon that is set for 13th December. We are trying to arrange another one prior but it is proving difficult to align schedules with other schools. We do however have several more planned in the new year! 

Let's go Scorpions!! 

Outside Achievments 

The 2023-2024 go-karting championship season started last weekend. The first round of Rotax Max Challenge Oman took place on 30th September and Bruno Ryba from Year 5 claimed first place in his category. After finishing first in the qualifiers, he kept ahead of his competition in the semi-final and the final. 

Great consistency and performance. Keep it up Bruno!

Parent Teacher Meetings (PTC) - 9th & 10th October

Thank you to all of the parents who have signed up for our 15 minute Parent Teacher Conferences. If you have not already signed up, please see the details below and sign up as soon as you can:

Monday 9th October from 2.15 - 4.15 

Tuesday 10th October from 4.00pm - 6.00pm 

To book an appointment to see your child/ren's class teacher, please follow the instructions below: 

Click on: www.schoolinterviews.com.au 

Go to Make a booking Enter the event code for Class Teacher PTCs: wmsjf 

When entering your telephone number, use +968 in front of your number 

Enter your details and the name/s of your child/ren and select suitable times for your appointments. 

You also have the option to make a 10 minute appointment to see our specialist teachers. Please note that we do not have enough appointments available for every parent to meet with each specialist. We would ask that you only book a specialist appointment if you feel that it is necessary for you to meet with them. If a slot is not available, please email us at notices@pdoschool.com so that we can arrange an appointment at another time for you. 


Enter the event code for Specialist Teacher PTCs: znzc2

Dates for your Diary

Wishing you a pleasant weekend,

The PDO School Team