School  Newsletter

  15th November 2023

Dear Parents,

What a pleasure to see so many parents attending the exit points this week, the students clearly explained the learning process to parents with confidence, and enthusiasm. It is always positive to see so many parents in school, supporting encouraging and having a clear understanding of their own child's learning journey and how they are developing in school.

Postponed Events- Unfortunately after extensive discussions with the MOE we have postponed until further notice our Glow Part and Hat Day, please note the tickets for the glow party will still be valid in the future when we hold the event. The current situation is complex, however it is important that we listen and take on board the advice that  we are given by the MOE. The MOE play a significant role in the school and it is important that we work as partners at all times.

HSSE-  Bathrooms- We are in the process of changing signs in the school to ensure that at all bathrooms are designated students or adult bathrooms . Our current system is not clear. We have provided additional signs to support adults and children in making the right choices. We appreciate your support with this.  We will be sharing this with the students in assembly in the future.

Parent Portal- We have posted on our Parent Portal our school policy on Code of Conduct and Consequences. We are unable to have conversations in school with parents and students, if we are not clear on our expectations. The aim of the policy is to create a safe positive learning environment for all. We understand that as children develop and become more mature then their decision making process becomes more embedded. Our aim as a school is to support this process.

Parent Board Member- A reminder that tomorrow is the last day for the PDO school Board nominations.

 E-Scooters- PDO school are now collaborating with road safety teams on the camp.

We have recently had conversations with the PDO Road Standards and Safety Body. 

They have sent this information for parents and children to read so they are aware of the risks associated with e-scooter use:

The impact electric scooters have on road safety (risk exposure) is increasing as their use get popularised. Certain studies indicate:

·        The majority of close encounters between scooters and pedestrians happens on narrow pedestrian paths;

·        Only 26% of non-riders think the sidewalk is appropriate for e-scooter use;

·        Both riders and non-riders would prefer more separate spaces, such as bike lanes;

·        58% of the pedestrians were interested in a mobile application alerting them about potential encounters with e-scooter riders;

·        E-scooter riders bend the rules (32% of 777 shared e-scooters' riders observed violating existing road rules);

·        76% of those respondents who had no experience with riding e-scooters reported that walking around e-scooter riders was unsafe or very unsafe;

·        Most pedestrians were annoyed by an e-scooter approaching at 20 km/h - however, there was no difference in the anger levels between speeds of 10 km/h and 15 km/h;

·        Out of 1272 e-scooter users - 232 (18%) had been involved in an accident. The vast majority of accidents did not involve another road user; 45 respondents (20%) had collided with someone else.


It is safe to conclude that:


Further research of Electric scooter brands (Porodo and Xiaomi / Mi.com) which are used by PDO school kids indicate that these devices / vehicles may reach speeds of 25km/h. That is significantly higher than a usual speed of a bicycle (12-16km/h).

We would like to remind all our families to adhere to the road safety rules when travelling around PDO and take particular care when travelling by e-scooter. 

Tim Robinson


Early Years

Nursery Rhyme Week was a delightful adventure at school this week! Our youngest learners immersed themselves in the magic of rhymes, sparking creativity and joy in all areas of the curriculum. From lively sing-alongs with some of the older children to imaginative crafts inspired by beloved nursery rhymes, our children celebrated the power of words and melodies in a fun-filled exploration of language and music.  We also linked up with Panaga School in Brunei and shared our learning and hope to continue this throughout the year.

Collaborative singing, year 2 and nursery.  

Row, Row, Row your Boat-role play!

'Hickory Dickory Dock' - making a large clock.

Row, Row, Row your Boat!

Coffee & Curriculum: The Power of Play Tuesday 21st November 2023

Have you ever wondered why your child seems irresistibly drawn to tipping out all their toys, much to your dismay? Or perhaps they constantly insist on stacking everything in sight, turning your home into a never-ending tower-building challenge?

It's not just random chaos; it's a fascinating phenomenon called 'schematic play.' These repetitive actions and behaviours actually have a purpose and offer valuable insights into your child's development.

For instance, when your child empties every drawer and cupboard, they might be exploring the concept of 'trajectory.' This is the foundation of physics, helping them understand how things move and the effects of gravity. And when they create towering structures, they're engaging in 'positioning play,' which teaches them about balance, stability, and spatial relationships.

Early Years parents are invited to join us in the Early Years gym on Tuesday 21st November at 8am, as we unravel the world of schematic play, sharing tips on how to encourage and guide your child's explorations in a way that benefits their development.

Milepost 1 Exit Point -The Stories Peole Tell

Parents and grandparents joined their children and grandchildren in Year One this week for our end of unit Exit Point. Family members were treated to some Traditional Tale performances and our audience members shared their favourite parts from each performance. Children worked hard to speak with expression and project their voices. Back to the classes and we finished the Exit Point with a game of Kahoot.  Children loved participating in the Quiz and it was a great chance to share all the facts we learned during the topic. Finally, children had the chance to lead some role-play activities in our Continuous Provision area and show parents their favourite places in school.


Milepost 2

Teachers are fostering a love of reading through a combination of strategic initiatives. A key element is allocating time during the school day specifically for quiet reading. This dedicated period is allowing students to immerse themselves in books of their choice, creating a daily habit and reinforcing the importance of reading in their routine.

In addition to providing time for reading, the teachers are curating a diverse selection of books to cater to various interests and reading levels. This is ensuring that every child finds something engaging, from thrilling adventures to insightful non-fiction. The variety is keeping reading fresh and exciting, sparking curiosity and a desire to explore more.

Milepost 3

The Brave, The Bold and The Great - Year 6 Exit Point

On Monday, Year 6 shared their learning journey with their parents when they were invited to join us for our exit point. In the learning souk, they were treated to a wonderful display of ancient Greek pottery and optical illusion vanishing-point pillar art, that they created in their Art lessons with Ms. Jo. Up in Mile Post 3 parents got hands-on with learning and took part in deciphering words in Greek lettering, drawing pillars, making theatre masks and ordering events on a timeline. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning. We have lots of wonderful photos from the event which can be found HERE.

Is IPC a UK based curriculum ?

The IPC is not UK-based, and at PDO School, we are aware of the importance of preparing our students to successfully integrate into a potentially different curriculum after they leave us. Whilst preparing units of study, teachers are cross-referencing national curriculum objectives as well as utilizing the IPC’s route planning tool, which facilitates curriculum mapping. Thereby, we can ensure there is complete coverage, either within the unit itself or through discrete teaching. With a range of over 150 units available, we make selections that best suit our learners' needs, experiences and interests. 

Ms Munira - IPC Leader for Learning

U9 Benchball Champions

This week Our Under 9 boys had their Benchball tournament at ABQ. It was tough to pick only 10 boys for this competition as we have a lot enthusiastic benchballers who we would of loved to take and we could of had 3 or more teams if the competition would of allowed. The level of talent we have was evident as our Under 9 boys matched our girls team from a few weeks ago and remained unbeaten to finish MPSL Champions. The boys played incredibly and played with determination and style which allowed them to dominate most games. Congratulations Boys! Our under 11's are up next and we will report on their performance next week! 

U9 boys and Girls Champions

U9 Girls Champions

MPSL Football 

We have recently hosted the U9 and U11 Football tournament at BSM. It was a big night of fixtures with a tight schedule and lots of games to be played. We had two under 9 teams and one under 11 team. With a big group of PDO supporters our teams battled hard to get some good results on the night. With each game they grew in confidence and we scored some memorable goals including some nutmegs and one top corner finish. 

Overall our U11's finished in 3rd place, just one point of second and our U9's finished 3rd and 4th out of 7 teams with one of the teams just 1 point off claiming joint first.   Well done to all the boys who took part in the tournament we are very proud of you! 

This tournament comes quite early in the year and we look forward to further development with the teams into term 2. 

Science Club 

Things were heating up this week as we learned about solar energy. The children designed and made solar ovens to make s'mores. Before the investigation, they made predictions about how long it would take to melt and afterwards they discussed ways they could improve their ovens to make them more efficient. 

Medical Notices

Student's vaccination

Dear Parents, 

Please see the updated School Immunization Schedule 2023/2024


Dear Parents,

Children have Swimming lesson each week and it is expected that all children participate. If your child is well enough for school, then they should also be able to join in the swimming activity. There are exceptions, if supported by a Doctor's note or by nurse Munira. If any sickness or accidents happen at school during the school hours which need to exclude the child from the swimming activity only on that day, Nurse Munira will inform parents.


Parents must supply a Doctor's note if their child is not able to take part in swimming, as the lessons is a compulsory part of our curriculum.

For our youngest children in PN/Nursery, we ask that they are collected from school early if they are not able to join swimming, this allows all teachers to support during the lesson and to ensure children are safe.

PTA Events

Mother-Daughter Yoga Bonding Event

Yoga session : A mix of gentle, invigorating and relaxing yoga poses suitable for all levels

Mum-daughter Bonding Yoga : Incorporating partner poses to strengthen the bond between mothers and daughters.

Mindfulness Exercise : A short mindfulness session for relaxation and mental well-being

Dates for your Diary

   22+23rd November School Closed for the National Day Holiday

Wishing you a pleasant weekend,

The PDO School Team